• Health.Coronavirus: symptoms, treatment and how to avoid contagion
  • Graphic Map of the coronavirus in Spain

There are already about 12,000 infected with coronavirus in Spain and almost 500 dead, with Madrid being the Community that continues to lead the infected. Fernando Simón has recognized the inability of the system to do the coronavirus tests recommended by the WHO. At the international level, UEFA has announced that the Euro Cup will be postponed until the summer of 2021, while in Spain the Government has approved a moratorium on the payment of mortgages to vulnerable groups.

Coronavirus data in Spain

    Total figures: 11,178 diagnosed cases, 491 deaths

  • 4871 in Madrid (355 dead)
  • 1394 in Catalonia (18 dead)
  • 765 in the Basque Country (36 dead)
  • 683 in Andalusia (11 dead)
  • 567 in Castilla-La Mancha (17 dead)
  • 541 in the Valencian Community (13 dead)
  • 431 in Castilla y León (12 dead)
  • 355 in La Rioja (5 dead)
  • 313 in Navarra (2 dead)
  • 292 in Galicia (3 dead)
  • 207 in Aragon (12 dead)
  • 177 in Asturias (1 dead)
  • 153 in Extremadura (3 dead)
  • 148 in the Canary Islands (2 dead)
  • 97in Murcia
  • 92 in the Balearic Islands (1 dead)
  • 58 in Cantabria
  • 17 in Melilla
  • 1 in Ceuta
  • There have been 530 discharges
  • Source: Ministry of Health and regional councils

14:09 A Spanish schoolboy, hospitalized in Malta after testing positive for coronavirus

The minor was to leave the country last Sunday, on the first flight chartered by the authorities to facilitate the return of the more than 500 Spaniards who were blocked in the country. Read the complete information at this link.

13.53. China calls Vargas Llosa "irresponsible" after accusing them of hiding the coronavirus

The Chinese government accused Mario Vargas Llosa on Monday of defaming his government for issuing "irresponsible and prejudiced opinions" in the Spanish and Peruvian press in which it maintained that the Asian country tried to hide the origin of the new coronavirus .

13.43. The Government will have seven days to authorize the ERTE avalanche

The authorities will have a maximum of seven days to authorize the ERTE avalanche (temporary employment suspension files) that is already reaching the Ministry of Labor. This Monday more than 100,000 workers were affected by measures reported by companies.

13.39. Nurses accuse Pere Aragonés of "walking" without caution around a center

Nursing unions accuse the vice president of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Pere Aragonès , of "walking" through the medical emergency coordination center without taking any precautions on Saturday, the day before he tested positive for coronavirus. They demand that the test be carried out on all the health professionals who worked that day at the coordination center to avoid contagion from their workers that affects a vital service for case detection and their referral to hospitals, reports Víctor Mondelo .

13.35. Moratorium on mortgage payments

The Government plans to approve in the Council of Ministers on Tuesday a moratorium on the payment of mortgages for the population affected by the coronavirus crisis , reports Víctor Martínez .

This situation will be measured based on income and family situation , so it would be available for those cases in which the worker is affected by a layoff linked to the crisis .

13.29. Delgado's letter to prosecutors admitting the "shortage of security equipment"

Delgado's letter to prosecutors. The Attorney General of the State Dolores Delgado has sent this Tuesday a letter to all the prosecutors in Spain where she admits the "shortage of security equipment" in the courts , reports Angela Martialay .

In the letter, Delgado explains that it is the Ministry of Health who, in this national emergency situation, "establishes guidelines and priorities" and asks members of the Public Ministry to "continue to provide citizens with the minimum services they expect from the Prosecutor's Office and of all its members ", reports Angela Martialay. "We will look for all the existing resources, but, in the meantime, we will not stop helping the citizens who only expect responsibility and solidarity from us with all of them and with the rest of the professionals who face this unusual situation," emphasizes the attorney general. "The irruption of the state of alarm does not interrupt the normal functioning of the constitutional powers of the State," adds former Minister Dolores Delgado.

13.20. UEFA postpones the European Championship until the summer of 2021

UEFA postpones the European Championship until the summer of 2021 . At its meeting on Tuesday in Nyon, the highest body in European football has agreed to pass the major club competition scheduled for this summer to the next, in agreement with the players and the clubs.

13.18. Health authorizes Madrid to send Telepizza and Knee food to schoolchildren

The Ministry of Health authorizes the Community of Madrid to send Telepizza and Rodilla food to the 11,500 schoolchildren with scholarships during the closure of the educational centers due to the coronavirus health alert, reports Marta Belver.

13.09. Coronavirus ERTEs will be force majeure and will resolve within 7 days

All temporary employment regulation ( ERTE ) files for contract suspension or shorter working hours will be considered force majeure if they are caused by the measures adopted to combat the coronavirus epidemic and will be resolved within a maximum period of seven days.

According to the royal decree-law that the Council of Ministers plans to approve on Tuesday, all ERTEs that have "direct cause" in the loss of business due to the measures implemented by the Government due to the coronavirus , will be considered force majeure. of the staff or by preventive isolation measures. In these cases, companies will have to send the labor authority a report that explains the circumstances that have led them to submit the ERTE, which will be resolved by the labor authority within a maximum period of seven days.

13.07. Coronavirus: Seized 13,000 masks and 1,100 liters of hydroalcohol for gels

The Civil Guard has intervened at the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas airport 13,000 masks and in Galicia 1,100 liters of hydroalcohol to manufacture disinfection gels that it has made available to health authorities to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

This was reported by the operational director of the Civil Guard, Lt. Gen. Laurentino Ceña, at the press conference after the meeting of the pandemic monitoring committee. He explained that these are actions aimed at detecting protection material against the coronavirus , within the framework of the measures included in the state of alarm decreed in Spain.

12.58. Coronavirus: Interior will not require a certificate to work at the moment

The Ministry of the Interior will not require, at the moment, a certificate that you are going to work despite the state of alert for the coronavirus , although the Civil Guard emphasizes that having it can speed up the procedures in case the person is required to explain why It is on the street and not quarantined by the Covid-19 .

This was explained this Tuesday in La Moncloa by the deputy director of operations of the Civil Guard, Laurentino Ceña, and the deputy director of operations of the National Police, José Ángel González Jiméñez, who participated this morning in the daily press conference of those responsible for the ' crisis committee 'which is monitoring the coronavirus pandemic. In this appearance, the representatives of the Interior were asked about whether Spaniards who have to go to work despite the state of alert should carry some type of document proving that their work situation prevents them from staying at home.

12.56. The Generalitat announces games of 2,000 euros for the self-employed due to the coronavirus

The Department of Labor of the Generalitat of Catalonia has announced that it will allocate an economic benefit of up to 2,000 euros for self-employed workers (individuals) who prove "a drastic and involuntary reduction in their turnover" as a consequence of the effects of the coronavirus on their activity. economic, and provided they are registered "in activities that the authorities have decreed closure" and do not have other "alternative sources of income." This aid has a budget of 7.5 million euros and plans to benefit some 4,500 self-employed.

12.43. We will have to wait "2 or 3 days" for the coronavirus test to be done

Mild cases with coronavirus symptoms are currently not being tested. This has been recognized by Sanida, who affirms that the Government is preparing logistics so that "in two or three days" they can be done, said the director of the Center for Health Emergencies and Alerts, Fernando Simón, on Tuesday.

In the press conference after the meeting of the Coronavirus Technical Management Committee, in which 11,178 positive cases of coronavirus and 491 deaths have already been confirmed, Simón explained that "there are teams working hard" so that tests of coronavirus in all mild cases. "Spain is well aware that one of the protective measures is the early diagnosis and isolation of cases to reduce transmission " of the virus among the population, he stressed.

12.39. Coronavirus: Defense deploys 1,800 servicemen in 28 cities

The Ministry of Defense will deploy a total of 1,820 troops in 28 cities collaborating in preventive disinfection and prior recognition of those places that could have a greater incidence in the spread of the coronavirus . In addition, he confirmed that the cities where the Armed Forces will be deployed today are Segovia, Toledo, Ávila, Aranjuez, Granada, Mérida, Jerez de la Frontera, Alicante, Castellón, Santander, Araca de Vitoria, Oviedo, Pontevedra, La Coruña, Madrid, Malaga, Valladolid, Zaragoza, Seville, Valencia, Palma de Mallorca and the municipalities that make up the Bay of Cádiz

12.36. The UME is going to be deployed in the Madrid Cercanías stations due to the coronavirus

The Military Emergency Unit (UME) is going to be deployed at the Madrid Cercanías stations to prevent crowds on the platforms and in railway facilities such as those that occurred this Monday and this morning. This was explained by the Chief of the Defense Staff, General Miguel Ángel Villarroya, and the Secretary General for Transport, María José Rallo at the press conference after the meeting of the Coronavirus Technical Management Committee, where Rallo pointed out that the occupation of these services today is 25% of that of a normal day.

12.08. Spain does not have the capacity to do all the coronavirus tests

Fernando Simón has acknowledged that Spain does not now have the capacity to test all suspected coronavirus cases "due to logistics." Asked about the information of these days that the lack of case detection increased the expansion of the epidemic in China and Italy and the possibility that the absence of tests on suspected cases could make the same thing happen in Spain, Simón assured This can happen in "some areas of Spain", although he hopes that the lack of logistics capacity will be solved in "2 or 3 days".

In addition, it has confirmed that patients who have suffered from the coronavirus and have already been cured have to remain in the quarantine for 14 days, as they can still transmit the coronavirus . This was confirmed by Fernando Simón at the daily press conference after the meeting of the Coronavirus Technical Management Committee. "People discharged from hospital should be quarantined for 14 days or until they have the first negative test. This mechanism tries to enhance the capacity of hospitals for those who need it," said Simón. .

12.20. Descent of metro and bus travelers in Barcelona

The number of users in the Barcelona metro has dropped 82% to 10:00 am this Tuesday compared to a normal day, on the second day of alarm due to the coronavirus pandemic. Transportes Metropolitanos de Barcelona has also reported that, until 8:00, the passage had dropped 73%. Regarding the bus service, the number of passengers this morning was 10-15% of the usual ones and 63.5% of the vehicles were put into service.

11.59. Deputy Antón Gómez-Reino (Galicia en Común), positive for coronavirus

The deputy of Galicia in Common and general secretary of Podemos Galicia, Antón Gómez-Reino, has tested positive for the coronavirus , as he himself announced through his social networks. The also candidate for the Presidency of the Xunta of the Galicia En Común-Anova Mareas coalition has been in quarantine since noon last Thursday after learning of the positive for coronavirus from his partner in parliament and Minister of Equality, Irene Montero.

11.40. Spain exceeds 11,000 infected by coronavirus

1,927 new cases in the last 24 hours has raised the number of infections by coronavirus in Spain to 11,178 cases, exceeding the barrier of 10,000 infected people, which last week the Government already warned that would be overcome throughout this week. As reported by Fernando Simón, "this is somewhat less than that of these past days, but it must be carefully evaluated." The number of deceased has been, according to the last balance, at 491, while of the total number of cases, 1,028 have been discharged and 563 are in the ICU.

The Community of Madrid continues to be the region with the most cases of people affected by the new coronavirus , with 4,165 cases , which represents 43% of all coronavirus diagnoses detected in Spain. A few days ago, the Madrid community had 50 percent of all diagnoses, although the percentage has decreased because other regions, such as Catalonia (1,394), are experiencing an increase in cases. Precisely, both regions already register 56 percent of all cases.

11. 38. Traffic falls further in Madrid due to the coronavirus

Traffic intensity has decreased this Tuesday, March 17, by 59.6% on the M-30, 64% inside the M-30 and 63% outside the M-30, reports Pablo R. Roces .

11.33. Hotels medicalized in Catalonia for the coronavirus

Catalonia also plans to imitate Madrid and enable medicalized hotels to isolate coronavirus patients with mild symptoms that cannot complete isolation in their homes. Health sources have confirmed to EL MUNDO that it is already on the table to enable the Hotel Alimara, the closest to the Vall d'Hebron Hospital, to fulfill this function of supporting one of the leading hospital centers in Barcelona, ​​reports Víctor Mondelo .

11.30. Adolfo Domínguez presents an ERTE in Spain for 728 workers

The fashion group Adolfo Domínguez has launched a temporary employment regulation file for the coronavirus that affects 728 workers of the multinational in Spain, representing 61% of the total workforce. The ERTE will run until May in the event that the closure of the points of sale has to be prolonged, according to what the company told the CNMV on Tuesday. The regulation affects only Spanish employees , although the company has also been forced to close its own stores and franchises in other countries such as China, France, Peru and Kuwait.

11.27. Australian scientists discover immune defense against coronavirus

A group of Australian scientists has discovered how the immune system fights Covid-19 , information that could be of vital importance in the race to find a vaccine against the new coronavirus , the pandemic of which has already spread to 162 countries.

In an article published this Wednesday in the scientific journal Nature Medicine , a team of researchers from the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity, at the University of Melbourne, state that the reaction of the immune system against Covid-19 is similar to what it has against the flu. "Our study provides novel contributions to understanding the amplitude and kinetics of immune system responses during a non-severe case of Covid-19, " the document states.

11.07. Rescued in the Sierra de Madrid a couple fleeing the coronavirus

The Civil Guard has rescued a couple who had left their home in the capital to "flee" from the coronavirus in the Port of Cotos in the Sierra de Madrid, but both fell ill due to weather conditions. The two people, a 43-year-old Peruvian national man and a 32-year-old Russian national woman, left their home last Saturday to go to the mountains and try to escape from everything that is happening due to the coronavirus . It started up after 10:30 am on Monday morning after receiving a call from the Civil Guard from the man who said that his partner could not walk and had become dizzy, so all the resources in the area were activated, due to inclement weather. adverse weather conditions that were occurring.

11.00. Coronavirus: the PP says that he is with Sánchez "hard and mature"

The Deputy Secretary of Communication of the PP, Pablo Montesinos, has assured that his party will now be with the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, "hard and mature" to take all necessary measures against the coronavirus , even if they are "forceful and firm" decisions, leaving the demand for responsibilities for when the pandemic passes. In his opinion, there are times when he has not been "up to the task", as with the March 8 demonstration. "He will have us by his side, out of loyalty to Spain, out of institutional loyalty, there will be the PP, even if his government and investiture partners are not," Montesinos said in an interview on TVE.

10.48. Santander expects the coronavirus to subtract 5% of its profits

Banco Santander calculates that the coronavirus crisis will be 5% to the profit of the financial year 2020 in the event of a rapid recovery scenario - in the form of a V - without including measures, although it discards any effect on the accounts of the first three months by not still appreciate any relevant impact on your commercial activity. In a presentation sent to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), the bank's president, Ana Botín, has acknowledged that it is too early to predict the impact of the coronavirus and that everything will depend on how the situation evolves.

10.29. Spain surpasses South Korea and remains the fourth country most affected by coronavirus

The pandemic of the new coronavirus originated in the city of Wuhan, in the province of Hubei, in central China, has left more than 180,000 people infected and has killed more than 7,100 people worldwide, with Spain located As the fourth most affected country , after having surpassed South Korea in the last 24 hours with more than 9,900 positives .

According to the global balance updated at 9:20 a.m. by Johns Hopkins University, Spain ranks as the fourth most affected country in the world, after surpassing South Korea, with a total of 9,942 infections, 342 deaths and 530 people healed , according to Data updated at 9.20 am on Tuesday.

10.21. Coronavirus: the Civil Guard is deployed on the Navarre border with France

The Civil Guard has already been deployed this Tuesday on the roads of the border of Navarre with France to reestablish controls at the land borders of Spain decreed by the central government among the measures to try to stop the advance of the coronavirus .

Only Spanish citizens, people residing in Spain, cross-border workers and those who document, causes of force majeure or situations of need, will be allowed to enter national territory by land. These measures are not applicable to the transport of goods.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19
  • Spain
  • Science and health

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