At the time of adversity, people’s minerals appear, you know who is with you and who is against you, in which you distinguish between the good and the bad, between the sane and the foolish, between those who deserve appreciation and those who do not deserve, and the crisis of “Corona” and the reactions and actions that it has undergone explained to us all of the above.

A merchant who cares only for his own benefit, takes advantage of the crisis most severely, to raise the price of the respirators more than their real price, and another merchant monopolizes sterilization materials, to benefit himself without any edema or conscience.

The "WhatsApp" program has turned into a focal point of the Corona disease, there is no talk but about it, endless and never-ending rumors, "Fashionista" has nothing to do with medicine, it gives advice on how to treat the disease, and another who barely knows writing announces the discovery of a vaccine that eliminates The virus, and strange news about the disease, we do not know its sincerity from its lies, it pours us around the clock without stopping.

The great disaster was in the audio recording that spread in the "WhatsApp" about imposing curfews, so that cooperative societies and hypermarkets turned into an arena in which the small and the big scrambled from all sides, and the consumables became an effect after an eye!

Here, it is surprising how there are those who believe such rumors and rumors. Strategic goods are available, and there is no shortage except in the minds of those who deviate from their thinking about the rule. There is nothing that the government and the responsible parties hide, and there are no secret decisions, but they are clear and announced to everyone.

When the state issues its decisions in times of crisis, it is for the public interest presented in the interest of the individual, and there is no room here for resentment and grumbling, but rather a hearing and obedience to every decision to preserve human lives, and here we have to act rationally and objectively, we judge the voice of reason in our reactions, and we do not provide On any step without thinking, and most important of all, refraining from any act that harms us and others, in order to not believe the writer Mark Twain's saying: “The most prevalent elements in the universe, oxygen and stupidity!”

Twitter: @almzoohi

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Strategic goods are available, and there is no shortage except in the minds of those who deviate from their thinking about Al Qaeda.