At the microphone of Europe 1 Tuesday, the singer Cali invited the French to continue to take places for upcoming shows, despite the containment measures put in place to fight against the coronavirus, so as to push the organizers to postpone them rather than canceling them.


The coronavirus epidemic is also a severe blow to the cultural industry. Delayed publications, canceled shows, delayed film outings… Many artists fear that their work will not find its audience due to confinement. This is the case, in particular, of singer Cali, who released in mid-March his latest opus, Cavale , an album of eleven songs, accompanied by a short film, a book ... and especially a tour, put in brackets because of confinement. "I invite people to continue to take places for shows, for mine or others, it will encourage the turners to postpone these dates," says the singer on Europe 1.

"I released my album at the worst time. It's wonderful!" He quips at Anne Roumanoff's microphone on Tuesday, in C'est fait bien sur Europe 1. "I looked for it, I'm looking for the shit… ", he laughs again since this album was released on a Friday… March 13th.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Tuesday March 17th

"The word war is too strong, but we never experienced that"

The songwriter also saw 15 tour dates canceled. "It's frustrating, I wanted to show these new songs that I'm very proud of, with my new group." Cali however tries to put things into perspective, faced with a completely new situation in France. "I think there are people who suffer more. We have to respect that. But I invite people to continue to take places for shows, for mine or others, it will encourage the turners to postpone these dates, "he explains.

>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's programs in replay and podcast here

"We are at war," Emmanuel Macron repeated six times during his televised address Monday evening, justifying the strengthening of containment measures. "The word war is too strong, but we never experienced that," concedes Cali. "We are advancing hour by hour. We will see how it goes," he concluded.