Illustration France Télévisions. - LODI Franck / SIPA

Programs canceled or suspended, all television channels are disrupting their program schedules due to the coronavirus epidemic. The public group France Télévisions has implemented since the beginning of the health crisis its service continuity plan. "The purpose of this plan is to allow it to continue its public service mission, with priority given to the dissemination of information," said a press release sent to newsrooms on Tuesday. Faced with the new measures announced by the President of the Republic, here are the changes that await you from this Tuesday and until further notice.

Merger of the program “Télématin” and the morning show of France info

The program Télématin and the morning show of France info (channel 27) merge. Since this Tuesday, France 2 will offer in the days to come the morning of France Info of Samuel Etienne and Johanna Ghiglia in place of Télématin . The morning session will resume some of Télématin's meetings, including Caroline Roux's Les 4 Vérités .

Extended news

The information editions of France 2 and France 3 will continue to be extended and the 8:00 p.m. now adopts a 52-minute format, making, as from the beginning of the crisis, a great deal of interactivity with the public. "Certain subjects published by France info will be used in the national editions of the television news", indicates the press release still.

France 3 will broadcast 11 regional information editions every day at 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. (instead of 24 usually). "The areas of dissemination of regional information editions are extended to administrative regions, except Brittany-Pays de la Loire-Center Val de Loire merged into a single edition," said the press release.

From Monday to Friday at 11:50 a.m. and 6:50 p.m., local information editions are maintained with a multiregional offer.

A daily program dedicated to the epidemic

The Ensemble contre le virus program , a live interactive program to respond to viewers, will be broadcast daily at 10:20 am on France 3 regional channels. Finally, an interactive solidarity offer dedicated to support and information viewers in Overseas is built around radios and digital.


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  • Coronavirus
  • JT
  • Television
  • France Televisions