Scrap metal T1 - Scrapped - Hugo roman

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  • Today, "Scrap metal T1 - Put to the scrap yard" by Jana Rouze, published on March 12, 2020 by Éditions Hugo roman.

MarlèneLMEDML, contributor to the reading group "20 Minutes Books" and blogger, recommends Scrap metal T1 - Put to the junkyard by Jana Rouze, published March 12, 2020 by Hugo Roman editions.

His favorite quote:

Kidnapped at five, Hope! Isolated. Moved. Uprooted. When did his heart last speak?

Why this book?

  • Because Jana Rouze is only satisfied with a job well done, here the mixture of fiction and reality is mind-boggling. The story unfolds page after page, we cash in, we feel, we sink into this troubling and disturbing universe at times. There is not a single page too many! For those who apprehend the 720 pages, rest assured, each brings its share of surprises with intelligent and unexpected twists.
  • Because the author returns to us with a new punch trilogy. You are not ready for Scrap metal . I was not ready, no one can be! Jana Rouze renews the feat of offering us entertainment and sensationalism with this trilogy in the form of fiction based on real facts. Think about it when you judge the work you are going to read!
  • Because Jana Rouze does not drop us into the void without a net , but holds our hands throughout the story, explaining to us in depth the ins and outs of her story. It's a very rich story that will teach you a lot of things. The real facts side is striking, I have only very rarely felt so many emotions when reading a novel. The characters are singular, they all have their importance and a determining role to advance the story and to illustrate a particular theme.
  • Because this first opus only delivers the beginnings of a Machiavellian intrigue. Don't try to guess, Jana Rouze is relentless. Think you know where you are setting foot? Think again, you've never read anything comparable! Have you read novels that deal with the topic of cultists? Scrap metal has nothing to do! This story is a UFO, it propels the reader into the world of F1. The decor is set and it is not there to make beautiful. The author has explored the world of F1 with intelligence, making it both entertaining and addictive. It is a total immersion.
  • Because Jana Rouze's writing has been sharpened, her intrigue is a spider's web that closes to imprison the reader. I read each word with an excessive slowness, containing my excitement and my desire to arrive at the end to better savor Sauvage and Hope. The double narration is a real pleasure even if the chapters from the point of view of Sauvage are fewer. Jana made sure to alleviate this frustration that arises in us at times. The construction of the story leaves nothing to chance, everything is calculated, calibrated to perfection.
  • Because this reading is electrifying, the pen of Jana Rouze is rich, she knows how to keep this fluidity while offering us a complex content and taken to the extreme. She went very far psychologically. You will necessarily feel disoriented, to better find your way. But what if everything you thought was just a lure? Hmm, Jana is good at blurring the trail, for arousing violent and disturbing emotions. This story has a captivating historical context, I was really captivated by the way the subjects are treated.
  • Because romance fits into this thrilling plot. This is obviously not a typical love story, nothing is conventional. We adapt to the integration of the sectarians, to their custom and their way of life. With this romance, Jana Rouze highlights the condition of women, the fact that children do not have a birth certificate. May the eyes of the world not exist! I shivered from start to finish, the pages conceal an unexpected richness.
  • Because it is a strong, addictive and indefinable story. This first opus is intense, the story is powerful and daring, the characters are unique and charismatic. The themes addressed are exploited in depth and are based in an intelligent thrilling intrigue with an unpredictable path. There is not one page too many in this opus. 720 pages of pure adrenaline! Relentless rhythm and writing. Jana Rouze leaves nothing to chance and defends real and new causes. Scrap metal will spill ink, buy it! Read it !

The essential in 2 minutes

The intrigue. Three words inscribed in trembling writing deliver the name of a public man and a city. For Sauvage, the former cultist who received it, it was the end of a pitiful existence and the moment to take revenge and find his twin brother.

Characters. An unclassifiable and singular hero. A human and natural heroine. Intriguing and interesting secondary characters. The psychology of all the protagonists is pushed to its climax.

Places. From Miami to Vancouver via Abu Dhabi, Jana Rouze takes us on a journey alongside her characters.

The time. The story takes place in our time.

The author. After the Wave Effect phenomenon, Jana Rouze returns with a landmark saga. Adapting sensational stories, this author makes every effort to educate her readers through fictions based on real facts.

This book was read with great emotion. Captivated by the complex and intelligent intrigue, I devoured this story with a beating heart.

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