One new infection confirmed in Shizuoka City In Shizuoka Prefecture, a total of three people were infected on March 12 at 22:45

It has been newly confirmed that a woman in her 60s living in Shizuoka City is infected with the new coronavirus.

According to Shizuoka City, the woman returned to Japan after participating in a tour to Egypt last month, and there were several infected people on the tour, so the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare provided information to Shizuoka City on the 10th, The city began monitoring women's health on the 11th by telephone.

And on the 12th, the virus test was positive and he was hospitalized at a medical institution in the city.

Three people have now been infected in Shizuoka Prefecture.

Shizuoka City will announce the situation in the future, listening to changes in women's physical condition, hearing in detail about their return to Japan and their actions so far.