The young artist, Hanadi Muhanna, confirmed that she decided to enter the world of art, because she loves this profession, and not because she is the daughter of the well-known musician Hani Muhanna. Hanadi told «Emirates Today»: “I do not work by medium, and my father did not nominate me for any work, and I decided to Entering the art world of my own will ».

In spite of the short period of Hanady's artistic career, she achieved tangible successes and lives

From artistic activity, with a number of cinematic and television works, and she is currently participating in the series of two series in Ramadan, one with the artist Yousra, and the second with Yasser Jalal.

Hanadi expressed her happiness in cooperation with the star Yusra in the series "Dahab Aira", with a very influential role, "because working with a star with Yusra residency is a dream for millions, as it is an art school in itself, and standing in front of it is a great honor for any artist. ».

Noting that it offers a different experience in the series "Fatwa" with the artist Yasser Jalal, where the work is taking place in an old time period, considering that participation with the top stars this year, represents a distinct move in my artistic life.

Hanadi presented two works last year that were the cause of its mass spread: "an earthquake" with Mohamed Ramadan, and "my story" with Yasmine Sabry, and on its spread and the impact of the two actions on public knowledge of it, she said:

“I consider myself very fortunate to have chosen to embody the role of (Amal) in the series (Earthquake), which achieved a very large viewership, and was an important reason for my spread and the audience’s knowledge of me, given the vast mass and stardom of the artist Mohammed Ramadan, and I learned a lot in this series from every The seasoned superstars that I shared with, such as Mohamed Ramadan, Majed Al Masry, Mona Abdul Ghani and Ahmed Siam, and this experience has affected my life very significantly.

The success was also an ally of the series "My Story" with Yasmine Sabry, although it was the first absolute starring of the artist Yasmine Sabry, and people loved the story and the love story, and the series may restore the space of romance that most works lack, and my role was very impressive, as I was the close friend of (Dalila) Or the heroine Yasmine Sabry, and most of my viewers were with her.

I also participated in a distinguished role with the star Amr Saad in the series "Baraka", and the work got critical acclaim, and I learned from the work stars, especially Amr Saad and Hala Sidky, and given that I was present in three works in one season, I made sure that the roles are different and far From each other is far away, thank God she achieved what she wanted and more than she dreamed of.

Hanadi also participates in a comedy series called "Egg of Dahab", and about her she said: "This series is a big challenge for me, because I am making for the first time a completely comic character, and I was very reluctant to accept the role, because I am not a comedian, and the comedy is very difficult and frightening, and everyone encouraged me to Go into the experiment, and work on an online platform will be offered soon. ”

The movie "Secondary Girls" is Hanadi Muhanna’s first experience in the world of cinema, and about the delay of this step, she said: “I am a new actress and my artistic age does not exceed two years, so I do not consider myself a cinematic delay. It cannot be rejected, and I preferred people to introduce me to the drama first. Most of the movie stars started from the drama portal and then set out distinguished cinematic works. The drama is a very big school, and a huge window until the audience gets to know the actor, and when (secondary girls) presented me, which is the first cinematic experience I was more afraid. From what one would expect, I did not imagine n Se on the cinema screen and this large size, and even when I watch the movie I was in a state of amazement, and I am very happy with this work, and satisfied with it, and I think it is a very good step in the way of cinema, and presented me in the way I dream, because cinema for me is a big dream and for any actor ».


Hanadi Muhanna said: "She chose the personality of the veiled girl (Aiten) specifically, and she was not afraid that the girl was veiled, in addition to being a complex personality and with distinct psychological features, and she did not care that the floor space is small, because she is looking for the content and the difference, not the number of scenes." .


On the reactions about the movie "Secondary Girls", Hanadi Mehanna explained: "The film received great approval at the critical and mass levels, and she expected this success because the scenario is different, and deals with the lives of secondary girls and the young age group, which is an unburned area and did not address frequently, and if It was covered superficially, or through an axis in one of the works, but in the film it was covered in depth, and it was received by a very different audience, which is the school students who saw their world at length, and witnessed their problems.

- “Working with a star with a residency left is a dream for millions, which is an art school, and standing in front of her is a great honor.”

“I consider myself very fortunate to have been chosen to embody the role of (Amal) in the series (Earthquake) with the artist Mohammed Ramadan.”