Director Baz Luhrmann - Rebecca Nowalski / Polaris / Starface

Baz Luhrmann will have to wait before he can resume filming the biopic dedicated to Elvis Presley. While the whole team was in Australia, Tom Hanks fell ill. After being tested, he and his wife, Rita Wilson, it turns out that the couple contracted the coronavirus. Warner has issued a press release explaining why all production is on hold.

“We work closely with the appropriate Australian health services to identify and contact anyone who may have been in contact with the individual. The health and safety of the members of our society is always our number one priority and we take every precaution to protect anyone who works on our productions around the world, "explain the studios, as relayed by IndieWire.

Arts and culture at half mast

This suspension is just one of many in the entertainment industry. Many concerts, performances, filming and other cultural events have been canceled around the world since the appearance of the coronavirus. If France has prohibited gatherings of more than 1,000 people in confined spaces, President Donald Trump has decided to close the American borders to the countries of the European Union, while leaving the doors open to the United Kingdom. Ireland, for its part, has just announced the closure of its schools until the end of March.


Coronavirus: Cannes Film Festival ready to "adapt to the law" to take place


Tom Hanks no longer wants to be the good guy from Hollywood

  • Australia
  • Tom hanks
  • Video
  • Cinema
  • Coronavirus