Sandrine Mörch, MP for Haute-Garonne, said Thursday that she was infected with coronavirus. - NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA

This Thursday, in a press release, the deputy of Haute-Garonne Sandrine Mörch (LREM) announced "to have been diagnosed positive for Covid-19 this day". On Saturday, it was another deputy from the same department, Elisabeth Toutut-Picart (LREM) who indicated that he was a victim of the coronavirus.

"I am part of the Cultural Affairs committee where some of my colleagues have also been screened" positive "", continues Sandrine Mörch. The latter indicated that she had no "symptoms requiring hospitalization" and that she had to "remain isolated for fourteen days" at her home. Elisabeth Toutut-Picard follows the same protocol.

Press release - COVID19

- Sandrine Mörch (@SandrineMorch) March 12, 2020

This Thursday, the Regional Health Agency Occitanie (ARS) identified 13 people infected with Covid-19 in Haute-Garonne, including six in the last 24 hours.


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  • Health
  • LREM
  • National Assembly
  • Deputy
  • Coronavirus
  • Toulouse
  • Society