On Wednesday, March 11, a New York court announced the verdict to Harvey Weinstein. The Hollywood producer will spend 23 years in prison for "criminal acts of a sexual nature of the first degree" and "rape of the third degree." If the appeal of the verdict does not bring results, Weinstein will be able to be released from custody after reaching the age of 90.

The court decision provoked an instant reaction from the public. Many foreign and Russian celebrities expressed their opinions on this court decision.

Director Yegor Konchalovsky outlined his own position in a conversation with REN TV.

“It was disgusting how he used his position, not at all embarrassed by this,” he said. However, the director emphasized that in Hollywood in the late 1980s, this situation was "in the order of things." In his opinion, the scale of the crimes was still exaggerated.

“Not in all of these cases, probably Harvey Weinstein was to blame. Probably, among the hundreds, or dozens of these women who were offended by him in this way, there were those who, in principle, had a good idea of ​​what they were doing, and were ready for this, and only then they joined this chorus of prosecution, ” Konchalovsky.

The director concluded that in this situation there is "a certain proportion of American idiocy of the XXI century."

In turn, Nikita Dzhigurda called what was happening a farce and urged to rejoice that "so far there is no such lawlessness in Russia."

  • Nikita Dzhigurda
  • © Evgeny Odinokov / RIA News

According to director Pavel Lungin, the decision of a New York court for Weinstein is tantamount to a death sentence.

“It seems to me that this is barbaric and barbarously cruel, because a person is tried for unproven things, unproven actions,” he shared with REN TV. Lungin also called Weinstein "a distinguished man."

Actress and former State Duma deputy Maria Kozhevnikova called the story of Harvey Weinstein "strange." She noted that she considers harassment unacceptable, but the actions of women are also not clear to her.

“That is, they got what they wanted, and then, after decades, they decided to talk about it and punish the person. In which case, you can refuse the role if there is a fact of harassment, ”REN TV quoted her as saying.

A similar opinion is shared by Boris Grachevsky, artistic director of the children's comic magazine "Jumble".

“I don’t want to justify him (Harvey Weinstein. - RT ), but these ladies are very dishonest,” he said in an interview with 5-tv.ru.

Grachevsky considered the punishment imposed by the court excessive.

“This is too high a price for his behavior, his attitude. Moreover, it’s 20 years ago, ”said the director.

Music producer Joseph Prigozhin also called the verdict unfair.

“He (Harvey Weinstein. - RT ) did not commit any crime or murder. Sometimes in the world they give such terms to cannibals. This is too much for an elderly person, ”he shared with Gazeta.Ru.

The producer suggested that Weinstein might not live to see the end of the term. However, his wife, singer Valeria, believes that the producer should not be sorry for this.

Performer Lyubov Uspenskaya spoke in support of Weinstein.

“I know that those who filed lawsuits against him are people who used him in their time. This is the same prostitution, ”she told REN TV. In her opinion, the prosecutors “destroyed” and “mutilated” the producer by their actions.

Actress Anna Kalashnikova, on the contrary, expressed the opinion that Weinstein got what he deserved.

“We know that there are real facts and people who suffered from his actions. I believe that it is right that retribution came to him, ”REN TV quoted her as saying.

“Get used to the handcuffs”

Much less pluralism of opinions is observed among cultural figures in the West.

The prosecutors themselves were the first to respond to the verdict. In particular, actress Mira Sorvino wrote on Twitter: "I literally burst into tears of joy and gratitude for the fact that today the American justice system has sentenced in favor of all its victims."

Many participants in the trial thanked the judges and each other. Actress Rosie Perez congratulated her friend Annabella Shior, testifying on the prosecution side.

“23 years old !!! Condemned and sentenced! There is more justice in the world today! I hope this victory will help my dear friend Annabella Shiorra and other brave women to continue to recover and, finally, find peace of mind! ” - noted Perez.

Patricia Arquette thanked Mira Sorvino, Rose McGowan and Rosanna Arquette on Twitter for risking their reputation and career to expose Weinstein. The actor Vincent D'Onofrio joined her, who called the example of the actresses inspiring.

Journalist Ronan Farrow, whose investigations of Weinstein’s crimes were published in The New Yorker, drew readers to the significance of the media’s position on such issues.

“The verdict in the Weinstein case makes us think about the important role of sources and leaders of news organizations who refused to hush up this story,” the journalist wrote.

He also responded to lawyers who said that the media’s attention to the process exacerbated the situation for their client.

“The media has impartially analyzed a lot of evidence that Weinstein’s actions led to this situation,” Farrow emphasized. “I hope that due to this outcome, more people will decide to speak and more media will cover ugly stories.”

  • Reese Witherspoon
  • Reuters
  • © Mario Anzuoni

Reese Witherspoon also thanked reporters and the judiciary.

“The incident revives my belief in the US judicial system that compliance with due process gives the result that the victims will be believed and justice will prevail,” the actress shared.

She especially noted the work of the media, which was carried out "despite the opposition and threats."

Support for the prosecution was expressed by participants in other high-profile trials. Monica Lewinsky, whose relationship with former US President Bill Clinton led to the beginning of the impeachment process, emphasized that the actions of women and journalists covering the history of the world changed the future.

to the brave women who are survivors of harvey weinstein's repugnant crimes - both those who were vocal publicly & those who suffered in silence. YOU -along with the journalists who covered the story, #metoo + #timesup have changed the course of future histories. THANK YOU. ♥ ️ + 🙏🏻 https://t.co/WnFa1jSG1D

- Monica Lewinsky (@MonicaLewinsky) March 11, 2020

Former Fox News employee Gretchen Carlson, who sued the channel’s CEO for harassment, recalled that Weinstein is facing a new trial.

“Do not forget that he has yet to trial in Los Angeles, which could sentence him to a term of up to 16 years. Get used to the handcuffs, Harvey, ”she wrote on Twitter.