Illustration of Ajaccio hospital - PASCAL POCHARD-CASABIANCA / AFP

Corsica recorded its first death from the new coronavirus with the death of an 89-year-old man at Ajaccio hospital on the night of Sunday to Monday. “The Covid-19 test came back positive. An investigation is underway to establish the mode of contamination and the contacts for this patient, alas, deceased, "said an ARS spokesperson, confirming information from France 3 Via Stella. "The patient presented comorbidities (presence of several pathologies)", specified the director of the ARS, Marie-Hélène Lecenne.

According to the latest assessment Sunday evening from the Regional Health Agency of Corsica, 28 people on the island were infected with the new coronavirus, including 23 in Ajaccio. Among these Ajaccian cases, "three were in intensive care".

Ajaccio became a source of contamination

Ajaccio has been considered since Sunday as a “cluster” or hotbed of contamination, which led the prefect of Corsica on Sunday to close all educational establishments and all day nurseries in the city for 14 days and to ban all events gathering more than 50 people in confined spaces.

This prohibition measure applies to cinemas, theaters, concert halls as well as all sports halls, discos or places of worship. The closure of schools and crèches concerns around 10,000 children and pupils.


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  • Coronavirus
  • epidemic
  • Video
  • Ajaccio