While the assessment of the coronavirus is increasing, with 21 dead in France, in Paris a class of the Blomet elementary school in the 15th arrondissement was closed after the detection of a case in a student. Already, more than 300,000 students across the country are invited to stay at home.


On Sunday, an 8-year-old girl tested positive for covid-19. Today she is in good health, presenting only mild symptoms. She would have been contaminated in contact with her grandfather, himself a carrier of the virus. As of Sunday evening, the parents of the school were informed of the situation and the class of CE2 of this student was closed. Around thirty children are invited to stay at home until March 17. For the others, the program remains almost unchanged.

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday March 9

The decision to close only one class is not unanimous. "If we close a class, we close the school," alarmed Sophie Lenoir, president of Apep, an association of parents of students, in this school group. "There is no half measure. The 15th arrondissement is a small village, we all rub shoulders. It is paradoxical to reserve treatment for one class."

An almost normal day

For her part, Sidonie, mother of a pupil of CM1, is less worried: "This morning I explained to him, I asked him if he still wanted to go there, if he was calm." Jules clearly displays the serenity described by his mother and speaks of an almost normal day: "The director told us [that a student] had coronavirus, that we should wash our hands well and that a class was absent for a week. "

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For all parents or children who have been in close contact with this pupil, and who present symptoms, a specific screening device has been set up at Necker Hospital.