The singer Louis Chedid returns with a new studio album entitled "Everything we want in life". His first solo record since 2013. At the microphone of Philippe Vandel on Thursday, the songwriter reveals his writing process and the reasons for his return. He will be on tour from March 27 to August 1 with some surprises to expect ...


"Everything we want in life", Louis Chedid's 17th album released on February 28, is the singer's first solo album since 2013. "I never make an album to make an album, I make an album because that I need it ", explains Louis Chedid in" Culture Médias "on Europe 1, Thursday. "It is not out of necessity but out of need. Need in the sense that I am waiting for the moment. I need to feel that the desire and the pleasure are going to be there. I am putting myself in the right moment", specifies Louis Chedid .

>> Find all of Philippe Vandel's programs in replay and podcast here

"To make a record is to put yourself in a kind of bubble"

For the past seven years, the 72-year-old musician has not been idle: family tour, family record, tribute albums in Brassens and then in Salvador…

Three years ago, he began to write the first songs of "Everything we want in life". Always with the same process as usual. "To make a record is to put yourself in a kind of bubble, not to wait for it to come but to put yourself in a discipline, every day pull a little ball of wool, a few words, a melody ...", details Louis Chedid .

"At the beginning, we are in a purgatory which lasts about three weeks," he explains, laughing. "And little by little a bit of a song, a song comes, and then another ... To make eleven songs on an album, I write about thirty," he says.

A four-month tour

This new album will be accompanied by a tour that begins on March 27 and ends on August 1, with additional dates for the start of the school year. Louis Chedid will perform this new opus accompanied by a group of four other musicians with whom he has worked for a long time. "It’s really fun to play with them," he said.

A collaboration between Louis Chedid and Chico des Gipsy Kings to be expected on some dates of the tour

Last summer, Louis Chedid met Chico, from the Gypsy Kings and was very impressed with all the guitars in the group. At the microphone of Europe 1, he reveals that Chico will be present on some dates of the tour of "Everything we want in life" without revealing which ones. "We are going to do exceptional things together," promises Louis Chedid. "The song 'If I knew' had a bit of flamenco overtones so I called him, I made him listen and he agreed that we would do something together so we will do it", s excites the singer.