The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the UAE, Turki bin Abdullah Al-Dakhil, signed his new book about the relations between the two countries and the pillars of their alliance, during a ceremony organized by the Emirati embassy in Riyadh, in the presence of Sheikh Shakhboot bin Nahyan Al Nahyan, the UAE ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

The book, issued by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, under the title "Saudi-Emirati Relations in the Light of Common Challenges", reviews the strategic relations between the two countries and the historical stations that brought them together, leading to the reality of economic, political and security relations, as well as their common future aspirations.

Sheikh Shakhboot Bin Nahyan Al Nahyan, in a speech, praised the important documentary and forward-looking work presented by the intruder, adding that «the book is an important document that indicates the history and depth of this relationship, and reads its future at all levels, so that this book can be considered a great contribution that strengthens the relations of the two countries And it affects very positively. ”

He explained: «This is a unique case in Arab and international diplomatic work, when an ambassador on his site writes a book of this level on the relations between two countries, and he is still in his position ambassador, and this does not seem strange by a prominent figure like Turki al-Dakhil, whom we know is a knight of the word , With all his articles that we were reading previously before he assumed the duties of official business, or through his fingerprints on the media sites that he occupied in the media ».

The ceremony included a dialogue meeting between the ambassador and the audience, during which the Saudi ambassador shed light on aspects of the book, reviewing the political, economic and historical pillars of relations between the two countries in light of the reality of the region and its future. The 102-page book reviews the history of relations between the UAE and Saudi Arabia, which are governed by the similarities of social, human, linguistic, geographic, and historical composition.

The relationship goes back to before the establishment of each of the two countries in their current official form, and later developed, which made the joint coordination between them an approach in managing the Arab and regional affairs. This coordination was built, as al-Dakhil recalls, on a balance of realism, which is drawn from the political experience of the two countries and their internal experiences, describing it as "the memory of the political ethics of alliances in the minds of decision makers."

The book notes that understanding and interpreting the alliance "is not limited to listing only current interests, but rather a return to historical data, which reveals the value of the idea of ​​(alliances) in the political and social mind of the two countries."

Shakhbut Bin Nahyan:

"The book is an important document that indicates the history and depth of the relationship between the UAE and Saudi Arabia."


In the book, Turki Al-Dakhil reviews the economic cooperation between the two countries, as an important pillar in strengthening integration between them, as the UAE formed the third largest supplier to the Kingdom, and the sixth largest importer of it in 2017, with 7% of total Saudi exports, as the UAE topped the first quarter of The year 2019 of the Kingdom's commercial partnerships with Arab countries.

The book reviews the relations of the two countries ruled by the similarity of historical formation.