Democracy has gone out of fashion, and capitalism has gone out of control and gone crazy.

Emmanuel Macron

A security conference is opening in Munich today - an international venue that annually brings together politicians from around the world. Among the confirmed participants of the forum are the secretaries general of NATO, Interpol and the OSCE, US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, French President Emmanuel Macron, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and others. What to say is impressive. The whole royal army, no less.

The tone of the conference has already been set - a few days ago a report on security in 2020 was published, where a significant part was devoted to the topic of protecting European values ​​from threats from the east. In particular, it is said that Moscow continues its attempts to "discredit and weaken Western liberal institutions and values." In principle, the message is clear: in order to prevent the victory of nationally oriented forces in their countries, we should rally against Russia.

It must be said that this is not the first time that Munich has called for rallying and protecting European values ​​from the "beast from the east." On the night of September 29-30, 1938, the same advanced countries, represented by Chancellor Hitler, Chamberlain, Deladier and the unfortunate Benito Mussolini, who joined them, decided, as in 2020, to unite for the common European home. How it all ended, we know.

Today, in our time, we hear almost the same theses: “Russia is an insidious enemy. Russia is a danger to Europe. Russia ... Russia ... Russia ... ”What would you, dear, gentle liberal Europeans, do without us? What would they talk about in their endless forums, conferences and assemblies? They would be bored sitting. And so - there is no end: there is ahead, in a few weeks, the most ambitious military exercises with the lyrical title “Defense of Europe” should start.

Not going to protect from Pompeo?

Of course, the enemy of the current liberal elite is just as necessary: ​​the economy is stagnating, the trust rating is not only falling, but already turned into a minus, the liberal model - once fresh and progressive - has turned into a wreck trying to grab with its bony hand and drag it into a brotherly one the grave of the whole Old World. Against the backdrop of this degradation, even the regimes of Eastern Europe seem to be the least evil for half-strangled French or Italians (the latter generally sleep and see when the liquor bundle will again be a state symbol).

The most intelligent have long begun to distance themselves from the liberal model. Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurtz, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, finally the leader of the Fifth Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

All of them today represent the new international of the liberated countries from under the American occupation (not military, but mental). In this case, I am more interested in Macron as a potential European leader, who, apparently, will be able to lower the “locomotive of Europe” - Germany - from the rails. In any case, colleagues from Germany have no illusions about this.

Globalist elites simply overlooked Macron's metamorphoses, and this is also a fact. Today’s rhetoric of the French leader is not at all the same with what he said a few years ago. In 2019, after the G7 summit, he made a statement that shocked his European allies: “We are seeing the end of Western hegemony in the world. If we do not build new relations with Russia, we will remain with tensions, a frozen conflict and the aftermath of the Cold War. We must deeply rethink our relations and build them anew. ”

Words do not diverge: Macron meets with President Putin, provides significant support upon returning to PACE, supports the initiative of the Russian leader to convene the Big Five meeting, and finally accepts an invitation to take part in the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. And this is against the backdrop of a massive anti-Soviet campaign to rewrite history!

It is no coincidence that Emmanuel Macron became one of the defendants in the Munich security report. Welcome to the club, as they say.

Returning to the report and to the conference itself, it is obvious that in the coming days the liberal international will try to impose an agenda on the pan-European unification and protection of the values ​​that are dear to the heart of Pompeo, Stoltenberg and Duda, and repeat the successful experience of 1938. But there are quite serious arguments in favor of the fact that European states cannot be united on the Russophobic platform. And this is only the first bell for those who thought that the world order is unshakable, the borders are sacred, and liberalism is the ultimate ideology of mankind.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.