Yannick Favennec-Becot, November 8, 2019 at the Meeting. - NICOLAS MESSYASZ / SIPA

The calculation of the disabled adult allowance (AAH) will no longer take into account the spouse's income. Thursday evening in the Assembly, the deputies adopted this bill against the advice of the government and the majority, while the recent episode of the leave for bereavement of child still hangs over the hemicycle.

The text also addresses the provision of compensation for disability, and raises the maximum age to benefit from it to 65 years. The text was adopted by 44 votes to 31 at first reading. The "walkers" and the elected MoDem, however in majority, were put in the minority at the time of the vote on this proposal of group Liberties and Territories. Four "walkers" and one elected MoDem joined the favorable voices, the UDI-Agir deputies also providing their support. The debate was lively, several elected officials alluding to the refusal of LREM deputies to extend the bereavement leave after the loss of a child, which had prompted Emmanuel Macron to intervene.

"Flagrant offense of inhumanity"

"You have the possibility of humanity," insisted François Ruffin, addressing the majority. "You will be alone in this hemicycle and in the country," he warned. "You are caught in the act of inhumanity once again," added Jean-Luc Mélenchon, where LR Aurélien Pradié castigated a majority who did not learn "from his mistakes". “Walker” Anne-Christine Lang replied, asking MPs Insoumis and LR to “keep their lessons in humanity”, accusing them of “making associations (of people with disabilities) believe that we could shave for free” .

A few minutes before the vote, a suspension of the session was requested by the "walkers", Jean-Luc Mélenchon seeing it as an attempt to "change the balance of power". Several points of order followed. The law proposed by the deputy Liberties and Territories Yannick Favennec Becot, had for object "various social measures" towards the people accommodated in EHPAD or in situation of handicap.

Minister's attempted removal

The secretary of state responsible for disabled people Sophie Cluzel assured that for the government, "priority was given to disability", the day after the conclusion of the national conference on disability. She recalled that the AAH had benefited from two revaluations since the start of the five-year term, and that it was already "almost individualized". "Stop saying we didn't do anything," said the minister.

She referred in vain to the examination of the bill "old age and autonomy", by the summer of 2020, whose "global framework" should allow to address the subjects raised, and underlined the progress made by the government. "We are not insensitive to the question" defended the MoDem Nadia Essayan, arguing for this "general framework".

Shortly after, the Assembly also unanimously adopted, and this time with the support of the government, another proposal by the group Libertés et Territoires, which should make it possible to improve compensation for victims of serious crimes (rape, kidnapping, reduction in slavery…), by reviewing the drafting of an article of the code of criminal procedure which was “source of litigation”.


Disability: The number of adults receiving the allowance has doubled since 1990


National Disability Conference: What new measures will be announced for people with disabilities?

  • Society
  • Deputy
  • National Assembly
  • Vote
  • handicap