Promotional visual of the book “Si on chantait” published by Pocket Jeunesse. - Pocket Jeunesse / Capture of the Pocket Jeunesse website.

Thirteen prominent youth authors including Susie Morgenstern, Timothée de Fombelle and Jean-Claude Mourlevat have combined their talent in a collective novel published for the benefit of Secours populaire français (SPF). All profits from Si on chantait (240 pages, 7.90 euros) will be donated to the SPF to promote access to culture for all. It is a thrilling novel, set against the backdrop of friendship between two children from socially distant backgrounds.

The novelists (who have in particular renounced their copyrights for this book) took turns writing each to write a chapter of this novel, published on February 20 by PKJ (Editis / Vivendi group) and intended to children from 9 years old.

To promote access to culture for as many people as possible, the SPF offers cultural outings throughout the year to the cinema, national museums and monuments, the theater, the circus or concert halls. In 2018, the Secours populaire promoted access to culture and leisure for more than 116,000 people.


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  • Youth
  • Books
  • Culture
  • People Relief
  • Solidarity