Prince William and his wife Kate, Duchess of Cambridge - Matrix Media / Starface

If Brexit is a lot of talk about Westminster and Boris Johnson, new troubles seem to dawn the tip of their nose on the side of Northern Ireland for the British crown. Prince William and his wife Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, have just announced a three-day visit, "March 3 to 5 at the request of the Office of Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs," as Kensington Palace says. A visit announced only a few days after Sinn Féin's victory in the legislative elections.

The Northern Irish were called to the polls on February 10 and the pro reunification party of the two Ireland came out on top. This does not mean that the center-left party will accede to the government, as the BBC notes, cautious, but this victory proves the rise in power in the country of a desire for union with the Republic of Ireland … Which is part of Europe. And with the Brexit that started last month, that doesn't bode well for the affairs of Elizabeth II, whose full title is "Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

Towards a disunited kingdom?

This royal visit by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is therefore very timely to recall the attachment of Northern Ireland to Great Britain. Especially since Sinn Féin has long been associated with the IRA, considered a terrorist group and responsible, among other things, for the assassination of Lord Mountbatten in 1979, the great-great uncle of Prince William and whose the queen was very close.

For now, Sinn Féin will have to find a compromise with the two other main parties of Northern Ireland, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, in order to form a government. If the Guardian also claims that a reunification of the two Ireland is not on the agenda, Scotland could give them some ideas. Nicola Sturgeon fully intends to organize a new referendum on the independence of his country and, in the event of victory, to apply for membership of the European Union.

In the Brexit referendum, Northern Ireland and Scotland voted by majority to stay in the European Union, unlike England and Wales. Clearly, the fog is not about to rise, neither on London, nor on the rest of the United Kingdom.


The royal family soon parodied in an animated series for HBO Max

  • Ireland
  • Queen of England
  • England
  • People
  • Brexit
  • Prince william
  • Kate Middleton