Lack of diversity, the Victoires de la musique pointed out

The Seine Musicale on Île Séguin, in Boulogne-Billancourt, is hosting the 2020 edition of the Victoires de la Musique. PATRICK KOVARIK / AFP

Text by: Grégoire Sauvage

After the controversies surrounding the functioning of the Academy of Caesar, it is the Victories of music that are now singled out. Lack of diversity or even a blow to certain musical genres, the new formula proposed for this 35th edition, which will take place on Friday, February 14, does not only make people happy ...


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No more rock, electro, world music, urban music and rap, this year the Victoires de la musique will reward, for example, the female artist of the year or the best album. According to the organizers, it is a question of avoiding enclosing the artists in boxes.

Problem, with these general categories, it is the diversity of musical genres that takes a hit. So, if rap is still poorly represented with Lomepal and PNL, the other genres, like rock, are downright missing.

Open to debate

This lack of diversity also appears among the artists who will perform on Friday evening at La Seine Musicale. We look in vain for a diversity of colors , quipped saxophonist Manu Dibango in an interview with the newspaper Le Monde. A reproach also expressed by Jacob Desvarieux, founding member of the Kassav 'group.

False notes that make the boss of the Victoires de la musique react. Romain Vivien said he was open to the debate concerning the new formula and the absence of niche categories. As for the lack of diversity among the nominees, he promises to work on it for the next edition.

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