Invited Wednesday of "L'Équipée sauvage", Matthieu Noël's show on Europe 1, the humorist Monsieur Poulpe said he would like to be able to relaunch "Les Recettes Pompettes", the show he hosted on Youtube and which was arrested in June 2017 after only three seasons.


It's a cult show, after only 15 issues. In June 2017, The Recipes Pompettes , broadcast on Youtube, stopped not without causing the annoyance of the CSA. And for good reason, in this program, a celebrity had to try to make a cooking recipe, while drinking shooters of vodka. Invited Wednesday by Matthieu Noël, in L'Équipée sauvage on Europe 1, Monsieur Poulpe, the host of Pompette Recipes , did not hide his nostalgia almost three years after the show ended.

"I have a lot of trouble mourning this program, if only because people talk to me about it every day. I always receive messages on my voice mail, or in the street ... We try to revive it, "he said. "It was great to do, everyone had fun during the preparation, the shooting, until the reception of the public."

>> Find all of Matthieu Noël's programs in replay and podcast here

"There was never a water shooter"

In three seasons, the show, a variation of a Quebec concept, has welcomed around twenty personalities, including Stéphane Bern, Antoine de Caunes, Clara Morgane, Guillaume Canet and Juliette Binoche. "Everyone is back on their knees!" Jokes Mr. Poulpe. "There have been worse than others, but I would not say who ..." Before letting go: "My hands wiped the vomit from the singer of the group Texas (Sharleen Spiteri, note )."

If the recording was very framed, nothing was overplayed. "There was never a water shooter," assures Mr. Poulpe. "But there could have been shots of vodka cut in the water. When the guests were way too drunk from the start of the show, I had to calm down so that it lasted throughout the shoot."