The Baldensperger school, in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. - Google Street View screenshot

The Baldensperger school is closed this Monday morning in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges. Part of the roof, about 100 m² of the establishment flew away Sunday after the storm Ciara, shortly after 8 pm, reports Vosges Matin . It covered three classrooms.

Firefighters quickly responded and secured the area. This Monday, a crisis unit was opened to find solutions so that children in kindergarten and primary can return to school again. In the meantime, a minimal reception solution has been put in place, according to the departmental daily.


VIDEO. Storm Ciara: The orange alert raised in 11 departments, 130,000 households without electricity


Storm Ciara LIVE: Rail traffic in Ile-de-France is disrupted and 130,000 households are still without electricity ...

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