Anaïs Demoustier, on the poster of La fille au bracelet, directed by her big brother Stéphane Demoustier, was the culture guest of Philippe Vandel on Monday. On the occasion of the release of this film, which explores in particular the sexuality of adolescents through a legal trial at the assizes, the 32-year-old actress speaks about the sex scandals that shake the French cinema scene, a few days before the 45th Cesar ceremony.


Anaïs Demoustier, French actress nominated for the Césars for the film Alice and the mayor , will she attend the César ceremony despite the calls for boycott that are increasing? Guest of Philippe Vandel, Monday on Europe 1, she explains that yes. "I think we talk about it too much, I would prefer that it does not exist," says the actress about the Polanski case, which shakes French cinema. Despite the numerous rape accusations against the Polish director, his film J'accuse is named in twelve categories. On the poster for La fille au Bracelet , a film that explores teenage sexuality in particular, the French actress details her position in Culture Médias .

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If Anaïs Demoustier does not intend to boycott the 45th César Ceremony, she remains aware of the need for this liberalization of the voice of women in the world of French cinema: "The positive thing in all of this," explains the actress, "it is that there will be a before and an after Metoo", continues the young woman. "It's a complex issue that needs to be tackled."

"The problem is your breasts"

The accusations of harassment and sexual assault in the French cinema environment have multiplied in recent months, especially after the revelations of Adèle Haenel. But Anaïs Demoustier assures her that she has never suffered from harassment on filming. "Never. I was very uncomfortable with a director, it was an abuse of power," recalls the 32-year-old actress. "It was a woman, on a film which staged scenes of sex, and she did not protect me".

"I also had the right to reflect. One day, a producer said to me 'You are great, you play great, but the problem is your breasts'. It is so ingrained that at the "At the time, 21 years old, I did not realize it and I was convinced that my breasts were a problem", explains the young girl. "All of this, I realize through interviews, because we talk about it a lot," says Anaïs Demoustier. "This anecdote came back to me for example after years. At the time, I was not offended, and that is what is serious," concludes the young woman.

"A free youth, but with a new violence"

Anaïs Demoustier is this week on the bill of La fille au bracelet , a film directed by Stéphane Demoustier, his big brother. She interprets the Advocate General in the trial of a 16-year-old girl accused of having killed her best friend. A feature film on youth and adolescent sexuality. "The film is an opportunity to portray a generation, to scrutinize a youth that sometimes escapes us," says the actress. "A youth who with social networks may have a freer sexuality than we imagine. Videos, sex tapes that spring up in high school, it is commonplace. It is a free youth, but with new violence ", says Anaïs Demoustier.