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Possible first cases of coronavirus in Mallorca . The Ministry of Health on Friday activated the protocol to the possible contagion of a British citizen . He himself was responsible for giving the alarm to the emergency services, which immediately put himself and his three companions under surveillance .

The man understood that the symptoms he suffered could be related to the disease that has already caused more than 700 deaths in China . According to the version he provided to the medical services, he would have been in contact with a person infected with coronavirus during a recent stay in his home country. Hence, once he felt fever and malaise , he chose to notify 112, to be transferred to the Son Espases Hospital.

Once there the corresponding protocols were activated to rule out that it was a common flu. Not surprisingly, as reported by the Department, there have already been several people who in recent weeks, since the start of the global crisis that has caused the coronavirus, have turned to medical services with the suspicion that they could have been infected, and in all cases this option has been ruled out .

In case we are not faced with a flu, the results of the analytics to which both he and his companions have been submitted will be sent to the laboratories in Majadahonda , to confirm the possible presence of the coronavirus.

The only confirmed case of coronavirus in Spain has occurred on the island of La Gomera , where a German citizen has been treated, so far with satisfactory results. It was in any case a mild episode of this infection, because the isolate "what he has had most" during the days he has been hospitalized is "some fever", specifically, 37.9 degrees, according to doctors who have attended.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Balearics
  • Coronavirus

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