Michael Bloomberg, the other billionaire vying for 2020

Audio 04:31

Michael Bloomberg. AFP / Bill Pugliano

By: Ariane Gaffuri

American billionaire Michael Bloomberg, boss of the eponymous media giant, declared himself a Democratic candidate in November, for the 2020 presidential election, in the United States.


Michael Bloomberg was mayor of New York from 2002 to 2013. New York director Susan Muska remembers his contribution to the city: " He is the typical New York autodidact, a true autodidact, not like our, you know our president… He is a slightly old-fashioned, discreet, benevolent person who has invested in developing access to housing, education and culture. He has always fought for gun control. He also knew how to take unpopular decisions to install pedestrian streets, bicycle lanes. So that leaves me to think that he is concerned about the quality of life of people. He strives to achieve this. "

A new political challenge

At 78, this father from a Belarusian family decided to take on a new political challenge: to replace Donald Trump, whom he says he hates, in the White House. And the showdown is already underway: with advertising spots, like during the Superbowl on Sunday February 2. Followed by a hundred million viewers, the finale was able to reach the greatest number. Michael Bloomberg is said to have spent nearly $ 10 million on a 60-second gun advertisement.

" I know Mike, Bloomberg is not afraid of the gun lobby. The lobby is afraid of him, ”said an African-American activist whose son was shot dead.

Trump has a formidable opponent in this regard: Bloomberg's fortune is twenty times greater than his. But what is the economic program of the Democratic candidate? Elements of response with Sylvie Matelli, economist, at the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS):

" It is a centrist policy, with obviously a liberal policy, therefore which wants to protect the proper functioning of the markets, free enterprise, the free movement of capital, investments, etc., but besides that we have a dimension social in its program since it wants to favor the minorities, in particular the Afro-American minorities, it is also very telling on the climate since it has for a few years a real commitment on the fight against climate change. "

A significant asset

Michael Bloomberg has a secret weapon: the generosity he has lavished for years via Bloomberg Philanthropies , his charitable foundation.

In fifteen years, he has spent eight billion dollars on causes that are dear to him. He was even, until recently, ambassador of the World Health Organization, as recalled by Fadela Chaïb, spokesperson for WHO:

His commitment is very important in the context of chronic diseases, for example heart disease, cancer, diabetes, respiratory diseases and trauma. These diseases are the cause of more than 70% of all deaths worldwide and yet receive only 2% of health funding. Thanks to our collaboration with the Bloomberg Foundation, we have been able to implement high impact programs that save millions of lives. "

Michael Bloomberg has thus woven, over the years, a powerful network that makes him a strong candidate in the presidential election of 2020 in the United States.

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  • Economy
  • United States
  • USA elections 2020