The Snow Moon can be seen this weekend in all its splendor. This is the first supermoon of 2020.

The Snow Supermoon owes its name to the winter period in which it always makes an appearance and is characterized by being whiter and brighter than usual.

Those known as supermoons take place when the Moon is at the point closest to Earth, called Perigee.

When and how to see the Snow Supermoon

The best time to see the Supermoon will be Sunday, February 9 , at 8.30 a.m. (Spanish peninsular time), when it will reach its peak. Although the Supermoon can be seen with great intensity from 2.33 a.m. from Saturday to Sunday.

To see the February Supermoon there will be no need for any special device. However, experts recommend moving away from cities looking for a location that is as dim as possible and thus see it in all its splendor.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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