He could have followed a career as a tax lawyer, he became a humorist and actor. François-Xavier Demaison was the guest of the Wild Team on Europe 1. He tells how the tragic event of September 11th changed his life plans, making him, today, "the happiest man of the world".


A life-changing tragedy. On September 11, 2001, François-Xavier Demaison was on an internship in New York, when he attended the World Trade Center attacks from a Manhattan office. He was to become a tax lawyer, he will become an actor. Today, he believes at the microphone of Europe 1 that this event was an accelerator, but that he would have changed lanes anyway.

"I think there would have been another click. I had that in me, and it had to come out," says the actor. "We all have September 11 in our lives: we lose a loved one, we get kicked out of our job, a separation ... It's a questioning that has been accelerated." At the end of 2002, after having resigned, he staged his first show, Second Act . Samuel Le Bihan spots it and everything goes on. Since then, the two actors have been friends.

"I never get tired of what I do"

The conversion has been successful since François-Xavier Demaison is today both an actor and a co-director of a theater or festival sponsor. "I am happy because I exercise my profession in different forms. I direct the theater of the Work with Benoît Lavigne, I do a little production too, I am even the sponsor of a festival that we have just created near Perpignan: Pel-Licula, a festival of cinema, books and gastronomy. Watching a film with a good glass of wine, what more? "he laughs.

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"I'm lucky to be able to tell stories with completely different voices and media," says François Xavier-Demaison, who was also nominated for the César Award for Best Actor in 2009. "So I never get tired of this that I do, and I'm the happiest man in the world, at least professionally. "