Two American universities have discovered a pill to preserve their hearing capital from deterioration due to excessive volume. An innovative drug that blocks the breakdown of hearing cells, without blocking hearing.

We all know it; do not listen to music at too high a level, at the risk of damaging your hearing. The more we traumatize our ears by listening to music in depth, the more we deteriorate our hearing capital. This is done gradually, without anyone realizing it, and the damage is irreversible.

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Discovery funded by the U.S. military

Until now, we thought there was nothing we could do to prevent this sad phenomenon. But a discovery from the universities of Iowa and Washington proves the opposite. Thanks to a pill, we can block the degradation of hearing cells, without blocking hearing.

This research was funded by the United States military, which wants soldiers to be immune to the sounds of explosions or gunfire, while hearing orders. But we can already imagine civil uses: take a pill before going to a concert and to a nightclub to be sure to protect your hearing. This discovery is potentially a first step towards a vaccine that will definitively protect against damage linked to noise violence.