Medical experts said that sitting in the seat adjacent to the window is the most safe way to avoid the transmission of infection from people infected with the new "Corus" virus, according to the British "Daily Mail" website.

Experts from Emory University designed a model of passenger movement around a plane to show how viruses can spread, and found that people who sit in seats near the aisles of the plane are more likely to communicate with infected passengers.

Experts pointed out that passengers who are worried about being infected with the Coronavirus must stay in their seats because the chance of transmission of the disease increases as more people move in places where they are suspected to be infected.

The researchers studied the behavior of travelers on flights within 3 to 5 hours, and found that 38 percent had left their seats once and 24 percent more than once, but passengers who sat near the window barely left their seats at all.

This reduces the number of connections with other passengers from 64 for those sitting in the hallway to just 12 for window seat holders.

However, experts pointed out that although people sitting in the corridor seats are more likely to contact other passengers, this does not necessarily mean that they will become infected, because the opportunity to meet other people is short and limited.