A news session to strengthen your brain, does that ring a bell? - Canva / 20 Minutes

News is going fast, very fast. But what if we landed? What if you stayed? Because it's you, because it's us, because between you and us, you know, it's serious, here is our weekly selection of articles that give you food for thought.

1. “The Black Mamba” will never squeak again

Basketball legend Kobe Bryant died at the age of 41 in a helicopter accident last Sunday. None of the nine occupants of the aircraft, including their 13-year-old daughter Gianna, survived the tragedy. Vincent Radureau, who translated the biography of the star, tells how the Lakers player has changed the world of basketball.

2. The UK in the EU (it's not) really over

This time, for sure, Brexit has taken place. And yet, this departure from the European Union is accompanied by a multitude of vagueness, especially as a transitional period begins this evening which will last at least until December 31, 2020. We will explain to you what Brexit really changes for you and the questions that remain unanswered.

3. Anti-Asian racism, the other virus that infects part of the population

The coronavirus is still as virulent. This violent pneumonia is already responsible for 213 deaths in China and it is spreading in several countries including France. With her came a lot of bad prejudices against the Asian community. Our internet users report it to us and the comments they have received are extremely brutal. The testimonies can be read here.

4. Cédric Villani, walking towards freedom

After waltzing hesitations, La République en Marche ended up excluding Cédric Villani. It must be said that the impromptu declaration of the candidate for mayor of Paris after his meeting at the Elysée with Emmanuel Macron, unpleasantly surprised the officials of his ex-party. He gave us a long interview where he talks about his plans for the capital but also his relationship with the President of the Republic and his determination to maintain his candidacy until the end.

5. Weaning wages

Pay pregnant women to quit smoking, the idea offends you? It is however a scientific study carried out in particular in Nantes and Brest to verify the usefulness of an incentive device on smoking cessation. The results will be known in June but the first echoes of this experience are positive.

6. Love is in the cider

This Sunday is the Candlemas and who says Candlemas says pancakes and other sweets. Don't you feel that something is missing to really celebrate these festivities? Cider, of course, what are all the pancakes in the world worth without a good cider? Thanks to our sound advice, you will have a Candlemas of madness.

7. Why so much hatred against Greta Thunberg?

The young face of the ecological cause, is the recurring target of social networks and many fake news circulate on it.

But what is the problem with Greta Thunberg?

In our last issue of OMF Oh My fake , Clémence will talk to you about climate, Greta and "Stroop effect". We don't tell you more, except that it's really informative, reflexive and positive.

And as this show is just breathtaking and colorful, we let you scan this snapcode in the Snapchat app to subscribe. Go!

  • Pregnancy
  • Cigarette
  • Greta Thunberg
  • Kobe Bryant
  • coronavirus
  • Society
  • Video
  • Cedric Villani