Ophélie Winter at the launch party for Fifa 18 in Paris on September 25, 2017 - Jacques BENAROCH / SIPA

A big file! Ophélie Winter has launched around thirty legal proceedings against the celebrity press, according to information from Le Figaro, claiming a total of more than one million euros in damages. Last fall, the interpreter of God gave me faith and ex-candidate of Dance with the stars in 2014 made the fat puffs of the tabloids who announced that she would have had cancer and would live in her car. "In three months, Ophélie Winter has been the subject of a dozen magazine covers, a hundred articles, 5,000 published photos," notes Alexia Alfonsi, one of her lawyers at Aston Legal, which deserves reparation according to her.

"She was in a terrible state of stress, forced to go and take refuge abroad to be quiet and to escape the surveillance of the photographers," denounced the lawyer again. The first hearings in these cases are scheduled for March 18. Ophélie Winter can hope to earn 200,000 euros, according to case law.


Faced with concerns, Ophélie Winter confides in her daily life


AUDIO. “Butterfly Minute!”: Ophélie Winter lived “hell”, Laura Laune says she is “censored”

  • Justice
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