“Last night in the capital was the coldest in the current winter season. In the morning at the VDNH base weather station, the thermometer’s column dropped to -6 ° С, in some places frosts hit -12,2 ° С in some places, ”the message says.

It is noted that the current record value is twice as high as the climate norm.

“Nevertheless, for the unusually warm winter of 2019-2020. (a positive deviation from the norm is +7.2 ° C) - this is an outstanding result. Recall that only once in December it was colder than -5 ° C, in January the lowest temperature was recorded by meteorologists on the morning of the 1st of day (-3 ° C), ”weather forecasters added.

Earlier, the acting director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, spoke with the NSN about the possible reason for a warm winter in Russia.