A recent study, conducted in England, indicated that the elderly who attend art galleries and museums and attend theater and concerts, may live longer than others.

Researchers from College University in London found that people over the age of 50 who engaged in artistic activities were 31% less likely to die during a 14-year follow-up, compared to their peers who did not engage in any artistic activities in their lives, according to Reuters".

The study was followed by 6,710 people aged 50 or over during a 14-year period, and the study authors, Daisy Vancouver and Andrew Stepto, two professors of psychology and epidemiology at the Department of Behavioral and Health Sciences at the University of London, focused on receptive artistic activities, including theater visits. Concerts, opera, museums, art galleries, or galleries (but not the cinema).

After the analysis, the authors of the study found that the link between artistic involvement and longevity is consistent with regard to movement problems and socioeconomic status.

Among other possibilities, engaging in the art world improves the sense of purpose in life, helps to regulate emotions, and thus promotes acclimatization, and develops creativity that improves people's ability to adopt a positive approach to changing life conditions.

One of the observations that we saw is that going to museums and art galleries gives people a sense of purpose, and that he is doing something important, and when we collected those notes we got a clear picture of the benefits of the many arts and how they can be, "said Daisy Vancouver, to CNN. It has a positive impact on human health. "

The study's editorial stated that the results reached by the research team warn of the danger of the retreat of arts subjects in primary and secondary schools in Britain, and other countries of the world, as cultural and artistic activities, such as going to museums, art galleries, concerts and the theater should be "a habit of life" The individual is established on it from a young age, regardless of the social and economic status of the parents.