A time capsule in the year following the earthquake The new adult opens and misses Iwate January 11, 17:56

A young adult who became a new adult in the area affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, Ofunato City, Iwate Prefecture, opened the "Time Capsule of Images" on 11th, in which he talked about his dream of revival and reconstruction in the sixth grade of elementary school. I thought about myself and the years that flowed.

At Ofunato Kita Elementary School in Ofunato City, in 2012, the year after the earthquake, 42 sixth-grade elementary school students made a video time capsule that tells their cameras about their future dreams and wishes for reconstruction.

The time capsules will be opened at the Kotoshi coming-of-age ceremony. At the elementary school, 26 new adults and their homeroom teacher opened the plate-shaped time capsules on the 11th and showed the video.

The video shows how you are talking to yourself in the future, such as `` Is the carpenter's dream fulfilled '', `` How is the town rebuilding '', and the young people look a bit shy and flow I was thinking about years.

Mr. Kurimura, a local nursery teacher from April, said, "I've been able to fulfill my dream, so I want to do my best to excite the area."

Also, Ryusen Sato, who is studying disaster prevention at Iwate University, said, "I may be different from myself eight years ago, but I want to do useful disaster prevention work for the locals and Tohoku." Was.