True to its marketing style, Moncloa has been dosing the names of the most extensive and expensive cabinet that is remembered, with about twenty ministries and four vice presidencies, in the hope that the dripping of names and curricula will be opaque, even for a few days , the fundamental fragility from which this Government is born . That it is not only due to the difficult cohabitation between two rival parties such as PSOE and Podemos, but also to the dependence of separatism for each initiative that they intend to take forward. From the names we know to date, we can conclude that Sanchez strives to guarantee the dream as much as possible, that is, to lessen the harmful effects of his own coalition partner.

It is not explained in any other way that three portfolios as important as those of Economy, Foreign Affairs and Social Security - disengaged from Work, which remains in the hands of Podemos - will fall into technical profiles far from ideological sectarianism . The tuning of Calviño with Brussels is known; former popular ministers such as Margallo or Ana Palacio have celebrated the appointment of Arancha González Laya; and José Luis Escrivá, appointed in his day by Montoro, has shown at the head of the Independent Authority for Fiscal Responsibility its autonomy and orthodoxy of criteria, diametrically opposed to populist demagogy in matters of pensions or deficit management.

However, this Executive will be pursued by the constant shadow of incongruity. It is incongruous that you keep your partner as your worst enemy. It is incongruous that you must configure the organization chart not based on efficiency but on the satisfaction of multiple clientele appetites. It is incongruous that the pompous ambition of the name of your ministries clamorously contrasts with their real capabilities , given the precariousness and heterogeneity of your parliamentary support, among which they hold the key to governance, the same who proclaim that governance matters to them, and that Sanchez must choose between amnesty or elections. It is incongruous that your appointments try to sell moderation in Brussels while promising a legislative revolution to the leftist electorate. It is incongruous, in short, that all the action of the Government of Spain rests on the whim of those who work daily to break with it.

For the rest, the vocation of social engineering that the labels of the competences give off is especially disturbing . Beyond the obsession with the advertising effect of Moncloa, it would be said that a small coalition of 155 seats intends to change the customs, ways of life, habits of consumption and even the morality of citizens to adapt them to the self-styled progressive worldview. If so, such an engineering endeavor will only result in a brutal polarization of society, already sufficiently irritated with the fiscal ax that Sanchez prepares to finance his elephantian Government. But it is already known that the weaker one is, the more need he has to appear otherwise . We will see if Sánchez and Iglesias do not escape all the energy in an unfair competition of image among themselves, despite the interest of the Spaniards.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • We can
  • Social Security
  • PSOE
  • José Manuel García-Margallo
  • José Luis Escrivá
  • Spain
  • Arancha González Laya
  • Editorial
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Iglesias

EditorialSanchez auction Spain to bind to power

Editorial Radicalism will only bring instability

EditorialA Government whose 'enemy' is the Constitution