The first trial of the killing of a disabled person-a defendant who was rampaged The unusual beginning of January 8 23:36

It will be a "winter storm".
January 8 when the rain and wind increased in the morning.
Nearly 2000 people who gather near the court and want to observe.
Defendant suddenly rampaged in court.
And while the victims remain anonymous, the bereaved family revealed their daughter's name for the first time.

The first trial of a case in which 19 lives were robbed of discriminatory motives has begun. (Coverage group for the killing of persons with disabilities)

A long line in a late court hearing ticket

9 o'clock in the morning.
People began to gather in the park near the red brick warehouse, a tourist attraction in Yokohama.

This time, the lottery spots for those who wish to observe in the Yokohama District Court became a special park this time.

The trial was the first trial of Uematsu Seiji (29), who killed 19 people and injured 26 people at a facility for the intellectually disabled in Sagamihara City. People using wheelchairs were seen, and the number continued to increase even after the cloudy sky turned rain with wind.

The people lined up for a ticket.

A 43-year-old man from Kazo City, Saitama Prefecture.
"Because I was involved in disability assistance before, I've been interested since the very beginning of the case. I'd like to pay attention to whether the defendant would apologize to the victims or the bereaved."

A 31-year-old care worker working at a retirement home in Yokohama.
"As the same caregiver, I wanted to hear why Uematsu caused a brutal case. He understood that disability was a life, whether severe or mild. I want"

10 am. Hundreds of people still line up after the deadline for issuing numbered tickets.

Eventually, 1944 people wished for 26 public auditoriums. The magnification is about 75 times.

Those who wish to observe beyond the court's expectations. The numbered ticket was delayed for about 30 minutes, and the opening time was changed to 11:20.

It was a scene where many people were once again interested in the case and the trial.

The first trial that has begun Anonymous hearing

And at 11:26 am The trial has begun.

Upon entering the court, Uematsu bowed lightly and sat in the back of a lawyer.

Navy blue tie in black suit. The hair, which we had said in our interview that he had never cut after the incident, had grown to the middle of his back.

There was something in the auditorium that speaks of this trial.
It is about 1.8 meters high. With the exception of one seriously injured, the victims were to be heard anonymously.

The judge explained that, in consideration of the privacy of the victims and bereaved at the beginning, some of the auditoriums were not visible with a shield.

Even before the prosecutor read the indictment, the presiding judge explained that, at the request of the victim, the hearing would be conducted anonymously, hiding any personally identifiable information.

The prosecutor did not give the name of the victim, but instead read out the indictment using expressions such as "A-A" and "Otsu-A."

One person, Rie Sumita, visited a wheelchair from Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, who had heard of the hearing being heard anonymously and had a problem with bone development.

"I was sad to hear that the judge explained, 'We call the victim's name A or A or B. There are 19 personalities and we call each name. I was so angry that I had to go to trial anonymously. "

A 71-year-old woman who listened to the trial.

"I'm sorry that the 19 dead and injured people were being treated anonymously and were treated as if they weren't there. I think this is what society is all about. ''

Innocent allegation and "racked defendant"

Defendant Uematsu was asked by the presiding judge in court to find out what was wrong.

"No," he said in a clear tone and acknowledged the killings. At this time, the defendant was standing in front of the testimony, staring at the presiding judge.

On the other hand, the lawyer asked for the opinion of the presiding judge, stating, "At the time, the defendant had a mental illness, and his liability had been lost or weakened due to the effects of the defendant. I will insist. "

After that, the lawyer urged the defendant to speak and said, "I am deeply afraid to you."

Immediately after that, the defendant suddenly ramps up with gestures like putting something in his mouth, and is stopped by a nearby officer.

The defendant was pressed down and squatted down, but was repeatedly warned by the officer to "stop," and the presiding judge told the court. The court was noisy.

The Yokohama District Court later explained that "the defendant had taken a break because he acted as if he bit the little finger of his right hand," but said that he could not answer whether he was injured.

Unprecedented start in the absence of defendant

The court resumed around 1:20 pm.

There was no defendant, and the opening statement by prosecutors and lawyers proceeded without the defendant.

Prosecutor's argument about the defendant's "responsibility" at issue.

"The defendants were fully accountable. Although I acknowledged that I had a personality disorder and a mental illness due to cannabis use, personality disorder was only biased in personality, and that the use of cannabis was morbid. It does not cause delusions. "

On the other hand, a lawyer.

"We do not contend with the objective facts. We do not deny that the case is truly a painful case. The defendant became a cannabis mental illness due to cannabis abuse and became a different person from the original.

"My daughter is neither the instep nor the enemy"

On this day, the bereaved and the victim's family came together with their own thoughts.

Goshi, the father of Kazuya Ono (46, left photo), who was seriously injured in the incident.
He wanted to negate the defendant's claim, and after the incident, he used his real name to convey his son's life and family.

Goshi is the only victim who hoped for a trial under his real name. Before the first trial, he said,

"I feel like three and a half years after the incident, I arrived at the last day. I'm nervous, but it's time to come and I want to hunger and go to court. Look at the face of the defendant, I want to explore his true heart, and if the defendant had an apology, I would say that he had the feelings of others. "

That's why at a press conference after the court, he expressed disappointment with defendants' attitudes.

"The defendant's actions in court seemed only to be performances that seemed to show insanity or insufficiency. With the intent to crush the trial, I would like to despise that he was such a person. The defendant was a friendly young man when he started working, and I'd like to see in future courts whether he had such feelings since then, or when he changed his mind. "

And there was another person who came to trial with a certain determination.
The mother of a 19-year-old woman who was killed in the incident.

"I want to leave a proof that my daughter was working so hard," she said for the first time, under her name, "Miho-san."

Four photos and notes from my childhood to the death of 19 were also posted.
The journal spells out the reasons he has revealed while conflicting.

"Miho lived so hard. I would like to leave a testimony to it. I can't give an address or last name because there are other scared people, but I want you to remember Miho's name. My daughter is Miho, not "Ko" or "Otsu". She was a proud girl who was not ashamed wherever she appeared. "

He wrote about the trial:

"In addition to deciding the sentence of the criminal, I would like you to discuss and think about how to make a world where such a sad incident never occurs again in society as a whole." That's why I heard from today's defendant's actions from my attorney, and made the following comment: "It's a shame, not a very courteous attitude. I'm worried about what will happen next."

Staring at the first trial

The defendant's sudden action in court also surprised us as we were reporting.

I imagine the bereaved family and the families of the victims, who saw the trial as an opportunity to deal with the defendant.

Shinichiro Kumagai, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, who has a cerebral palsy disorder who is watching the first trial and is studying the relationship between the disabled and society.

Nearly 2,000 people gathered in hopes of hearing-"We were worried about the weather of the incident, but we felt again that many people have been interested in each other for three years."

Uematsu also said, "I said he was going to abuse, but he is not yet in a situation where he can abduct. It requires deep understanding, but looks quite poor: Did you try to listen to the other person before categorizing them as uncommunicable? That's it. "

Toward a future trial-"Many people wonder why this happened. The defendant's own upbringing and life, as well as the situation of severely disabled people in society, are multifaceted. From the point of view, please clarify why the incident occurred. ''

The trial began only three and a half years after the incident.
Defendant Uematsu spent only about 10 minutes in the court, which attracted many people's attention. Even in the absence of the defendant, it is possible to continue hearing and issue a decision.

If he said "I am deeply afraid" in court, the defendant first felt that he should appear in repeated trials in order to face the feelings of the bereaved and the victim's family.

The next trial is 10 this month.
I want to look at where this defendant has come to court, and how to deal with it in the future, which has become an “unusual beginning”.