Color, acid, sore nose and finally cut at the ankles: According to the artist Lars Vilks, the audience's "creative processing" has increased the artistic value of Peter Linde's Zlatan statue. It has also moved it from one art context to another, he says. The statue has gone from being traditional and classic to becoming a modernist work.

- Good art should be provocative or transcending. What happens then is the creative work of the audience, and that is what creates the work, says Lars Vilks to the Culture News.

Which: "Re-commission the work"

Lars Vilks himself is a controversial and widely debated artist who has had several of his works vandalized. Not least the Nimis propulsion, which was even set on fire. It is never fun as an artist to see his hard work destroyed, says Vilks, but it is subordinate to the story added to the work.

Peter Linde's Zlatan statue then - what should happen to it now?

- You should not applaud the vandalism, it is clear that it is wrong. My attitude is that when vandals have arrived they should show that they can not get a job done. It should be rebuilt, says Lars Vilks.