The house of the press cartoon was a project wanted by Wolinski. - JOEL SAGET / AFP

The Minister of Culture Franck Riester announced on Tuesday, on the fifth anniversary of the attack on Charlie Hebdo , the creation of a "house of press cartoons and satirical cartoons" to "enhance" them, while "threats Hang over them around the world.

"This project, thought and wanted by Georges Wolinski, aims to design a meeting place allowing the creation, promotion and promotion of press cartoons and satirical cartoons as well as the support of its creators", announced the Minister.

"A place of meeting, training and exhibition"

Franck Riester asked Vincent Monadé, whose mandate at the head of the National Book Center (CNL) will end soon, to present to him before the end of May "proposals allowing France to acquire this unique and singular place ".

"I have the conviction," he added, "that we need a meeting place, training and exhibition dedicated to press cartoons and satirical cartoons as Georges Wolinski wanted" , cartoonist of Charlie Hebdo killed in the attack of January 7, 2015.

Several ceremonies this Tuesday

"Made to laugh and inform, often irreverent, cartoons are in our societies a powerful form of expression and creativity at the service of the independence of the media and therefore of the vitality of our democracies", he said. valued. Riester notes "the recurring threats that continue to weigh on cartoonists around the world, the censorship they suffer or impose on themselves".

Ceremonies took place on Tuesday in tribute to the 17 victims of the Charlie Hebdo , Montrouge and Hyper Cacher attacks in January 2015, the starting point for a wave of jihadist attacks in France. On January 7, 2015, the jihadist brothers Saïd and Chérif Kouachi killed 11 people, including Wolinski, at the Paris headquarters of the satirical newspaper.


Five years after the Charlie Hebdo and Hypercacher attacks, the emotion remains strong

  • Drawing
  • Charlie Hebdo
  • Media
  • Franck riester