Eve Ensler is the founder of the international V-Day movement. - Nicholas Hunt / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / AFP

Eve Ensler, the author of Monologues du vagina , is co-organizing this Thursday “Meetings for the fight against feminicides and gender-based violence” with the philosopher Cynthia Fleury-Perkins. This event, which brings together activists, associations, academics and artists, is held at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Cnam), where Fleury-Perkins holds the Chair of Humanity and Health, from 2:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Lectures and artistic performances

On the program: conferences, round tables, and artistic performances. These meetings notably involve the feminist activist Caroline de Haas, member of the collective Tous Tous, the gynecologist Ghada Hatem, founder of the Maison des femmes de Saint-Denis, the historian Ivan Jablonka, the film distributor Delphyne Besse, member of the collective 50/50, or the economist and politician Sandrine Rousseau.

The meetings focus in particular on the “bodies of women in action”, on gender-based violence “in a protected environment” (school, work, etc.), and on the engagement of civil society. They are organized by the “Humanities and health” Chair of Cnam, the citizen mobilization platform Make.org, and V-Day, an international movement created by Eve Ensler in New York in 1988 to end violence against women and girls.


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  • Society
  • Feminism
  • Media
  • femicide
  • Violence against women