The Emirates Zoo in the Al Bahia area of ​​Abu Dhabi has announced that animal lovers can now recognize the Black Panther (Jax), who recently joined the destination.

And the garden revealed in a statement that «Jax»: «is attractive, and has settled in his new home, displaying his beauty in front of everyone».

She added that «the black tiger, which is one of the finest wild animals, was rescued by a good person who later donated it to the Emirates Zoo to be able to obtain expert support and care within a safe and healthy environment.
Jax is believed to be between one and a half years old, and is likely to live to about 15 years of age.

The park added that, given that it is the first of its kind in the park, the team responsible for carnivores is striving to give him a partner to play.

It is noteworthy that the black tigers have many advantages, among them they swim skillfully, and are adept at climbing trees, and often use trees as cover to pounce on their prey, jump at heights of up to 20 feet to hunt deer, monkeys, rabbits and birds, and also have a strong sense of hearing and sharp eyesight , Jaw helps her defend themselves. The black tiger is often known as the "ghost of the forest" because of its hunting intelligence.