Tokyo District Public Prosecutor Announces Unusual Reasons Arrest Warrant to Ghosn's Wife Jan. 7 20:45

Former Chairman of Nissan Motors, who fled to Lebanon in the Middle East, Carlos Ghosn's wife, Carroll Nahas, was sentenced by the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office to testify in a special breach in court last April. Revealed that he had taken an arrest warrant for alleged perjury. The Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office of Investigation usually does not announce reports other than the arrest or prosecution of suspects, and it is unusual to announce when an arrest warrant is obtained.

"The defendant Ghosn has unilaterally criticized the lack of regular procedures and has serious problems with the operation of the country's judicial system." There was a sympathetic tone that inaccessibility was an inhumane treatment, and we thought it was necessary to rectify it strongly. "

He added, "Caroll was aware that he had been involved in a special breach case, and the prosecutor had many times met with other important parties, including Lebanese, to talk to each other and to hide evidence. The ban on visiting Carroll was a condition of bail on Ghosn's bail, not harassment. "

By taking the arrest warrant of Carroll, the Special Investigation Department will appeal the strict attitude to this flight domestically and abroad, and it is likely that international arrangements will limit Carroll's movement outside the country. .