Today we live in different circumstances, and what we needed twenty years ago does not need today, and the title of the last stage was appropriate for the circumstances of that stage, but our current reality, with global, regional and local variables and data, its title is completely different without doubt, and perhaps the best, most successful and most address fits the present It is "the time for mergers."

It is imperative that the establishment of large entities with high sheets is the strongest of the competition, and it is the most successful in resisting in a time of a global economy that recognizes only adults. We live today in the world of major blocs, and keeping pace with that will only come by merging small entities to create a strong, solid and competitive entity.

On the economic scale, we have very successful merger experiences at the level of giant companies such as Emirates Aluminum Company, and at the level of banks and banks that were able to compete globally after they were incorporated locally, as well as at the level of some real estate companies that merged and formed stronger and larger companies, however the future requires us to complete this The road is extensively at the present time, there are still great opportunities to create giant local entities by merging companies of similar activities, or additional banks and banks, or others in different economic sectors, merging them will increase them strength, and will constitute a strong impetus to the national economy in general, and will solve many problems These sectors suffer, and certainly if this merger is not useful, it will never be harmful!

This thought does not include economic sectors only, it is true that the economy is the most prominent sector in which the importance of mergers becomes clear, given the rapid reflection of this step on the economy and the markets, but the integrative thought must go beyond the economy and include the rest of the service sectors, and even government departments, institutions and bodies, The circumstances that led to its complexity, multiplicity and increase in numbers changed, and the time has come also for the aggregate and merging it according to its tasks or sectors of work, and in this there is a lot of saving time, effort and money, as in that it is more facilitation, coordination and providing better and faster services.

It is a general title for a current time period, which is inevitable. We branched out a lot, and tasks were mixed in more than one place, and it is time to restructure according to the requirements of the current time, financial, administrative, and human, and restructuring, merging, and grouping in one place, not a defect or retreat but rather an evolving thought and a feature One of the characteristics of the current era, which is an existential necessity in light of many data and indicators, so it is inevitable, and it is not surprising that we preceded others in adopting the policy of mergers in all sectors that we want growth, development and launch.

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