Jay Hernandez in "Magnum, PI". - Karen Neal / CBS

  • After Hawaii, state police , Peter Lenkov and Eric Guggenheim launched the reboot of the cult series of the 1980s, Magnum .
  • In Magnum PI, broadcast this Tuesday at 9:05 pm on TF1, Jay Hernandez has the heavy task of succeeding Tom Selleck, an unforgettable incarnation of the famous detective.
  • In this reboot, butler Jonathan Higgins gives way to Juliet Higgins, a former MI6 agent.

Lots of action, a little humor, but no more mustache! The most famous private detective of Hawaii resumes service this Tuesday at 9:05 pm on TF1 in Magnum PI. After revisiting the 1960s series Hawaii, state police, Peter Lenkov and Eric Guggenheim dive into the turquoise waters of the Pacific for a reboot of the cult 1980s series created by Donald P. Bellisario and Glen A. Larson.

As in the original series, Magnum PI follows the adventures of Thomas Magnum, a former soldier converted into a private detective, who occupies the guest house on the Hawaiian estate belonging to the famous and mysterious author Robin Masters. While the Magnum of the 1980s was a veteran of the Vietnam War, the Magnum of the 2010s is a former decorated officer in the elite SEAL unit of the Navy, returning from Afghanistan.

In the main role, Jay Hernandez has the heavy task of succeeding Tom Selleck, an unforgettable embodiment of the character. “It took ten years for this version to be released. There was a request, it didn't come out of the blue. And we can say that yes, it was the right time, because suddenly everything fell into place. The scripts were finished, the contracts were signed, which was not easy in terms of rights, and Tom gave his blessing. Everything was linked together, ”confides Jay Hernandez, whom 20 Minutes met at the last Monte-Carlo Television Festival.

"We had to change things like shaving Magnum's mustache"

"If I had tried a little bit to imitate him, I would have been immediately taken down in flames," admits the actor humbly. We had to change things like shaving Magnum's mustache, making Higgins a woman, adding a little muscle, testosterone and above all a lot of action. "The mustache" belongs specifically to Tom Selleck, you had to leave it to him. It was he who had the idea, it was not in the starting scripts. It was therefore important that I detach myself from it, ”he continues.

In this reboot, Jonathan Higgins gives way to Juliet Higgins, a former MI6 agent responsible for protecting the area. “I was aware of the notoriety of the original series and that Higgins was much loved. There was some kind of father / son relationship between him and Magnum, and you could say there is always something like that between us. There are similarities, ”comments Briton Perdita Weeks, who succeeds John Hillerman in the role of the private detective's sidekick. Next to them, a new character, Kumu, who officiates as curator of the domain of Robin Masters.

Thomas Magnum is still assisted in his missions by two other veterans., Rick Wright and TC Calvin. Rick is now the owner of a bar, while TC is a pilot whose activity is to organize helicopter tours of the islands. Magnum also often consults with Gordon Katsumoto, an Honolulu police officer, another newcomer to the world of private detective.

"The really destroyed Ferraris are copies"

This new Magnum will delight fans of Fast and Furious action. The realization of the pilot was also entrusted to Justin Lin who worked on the action saga. We can no longer count the combat scenes, the helicopter jumps, the chases, as well as the Ferrari explosions: “It is a crime. But the ones that are really destroyed are copies. They only have a Ferrari bodywork, the rest below, it's an old cluck, luckily! "Said Stephen Hill, who plays Theodore" TC "Calvin. “We have excellent liners for stunts. We do a lot of stuff, but they really put themselves in much more danger than us, ”reassures Jay Hernandez.

“The series is just as vibrant and full of color, a bit playful; we kept the same spirit but by transforming things here and there to add flavor, ”says Jay Hernandez. Season 2 has already been ordered by CBS. For those nostalgic for Hawaiian shirts, second degree and Thomas Magnum's mustache, note that TV Breizh devotes two evenings to it on Wednesdays January 8 and 15.


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  • Series
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  • TF1