Scientists in Australia confirmed that a bird they described as a villain might be the biggest cause of fires that have been spreading in Australia without stopping for nearly 6 months, because it deliberately spread the fire, and the scientists said that this bird called "kite" captures any burning fire and flies with it to throw it in a place The last of the wild and the commons, and surveillance cameras have documented this bird doing this.

Scientists at the University of Sydney justified the matter that the weeds hinder the vision of this bird when looking from above to see what it feeds on it, so they resort to the policy of the scorched earth, and it comes with anything that it sees burning to throw in the place where the weeds grow and hinders its ability to hunt.

Australian University scientists studied this phenomenon only last year, and they said in a working paper published by several scientific media sites, that the purpose of this bird from its expansion of the fires is to find a new livelihood field for it, because by burning it to the area it also gets more sources of sustenance, It comes from the death of small creatures that were killed in the area by the fire, and it becomes a feast for months, and maybe for a whole year.