Rasha Qalq, the daughter of Alexandria, is a well-known name on the continent of Africa. She works around the clock from Dubai, specifically from the Merck Foundation for Charity and Development, in which she works as an executive president, and Merck is the development arm of the German scientific and innovation group. Established in 1891. In recognition of the influential role played by Rasha Qalaj, "New African" magazine chose her among the most influential women in Africa, and I saw my role to highlight one of her many initiatives, which is "more than just a mother", where it means Raise awareness, and overcome the harsh conditions experienced by th Adat who have infertility, in some cultures, particularly in Africa, are treated these women in a way inhumane, is up to humiliate them and marginalized and tortured physically and morally, and unfortunate that society plays a major role in this marginalization and torture, not only husband.

The shocking thing here is that if it is proven that the man is infertile, then the woman is also punished, and in some cases her limbs are amputated, so that she does not leave her husband or marry another man! Rasha recalls the case of "Jacqueline Moende", a Kenyan woman whose legs were amputated and her face mutilated by her husband, and the campaign gave her artificial limbs, treatment and rehabilitation to integrate into society. The Foundation's work extends to several countries outside the African continent, and currently the campaign covers several aspects, health, psychological and medical, in addition to the educational role, where the ministries of health, education and information participate actively in this campaign. From her leadership position, Rasha Qalaj was able to include many decision-makers and policymakers to contribute effectively to this campaign, which distinguishes it from other similar campaigns and initiatives focusing on field work, reaching the most isolated places and villages, away from media review or dealing with the initiative as a type From public relations.

The world is advancing in the use of technology and modern science, but it seems that it lags behind humanity, marginalizing half of society, and despite all laws and campaigns women still suffer in many countries of the world, there are at least 50 thousand cases of forced marriage that occur daily, and there is discrimination against Women in 155 countries, including 32 countries that prevent the issuance of a passport for women without the consent of the husband, and many crimes still occur against women, including honor killings, and there is still a salary gap between men and women in most countries of the world, and according to the World Economic Forum is still before the world 217 years to reach equality in th wages! The world needs effective action to change this painful reality.

• "The world is advancing in the use of modern technology, but it seems that it is falling behind humanly, marginalizing half of society."



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