OMF “Oh My Fake”: New Years Rumors, a Millennial Tradition - 20 Minutes

3, 2, 1… 0! The New Year countdown has taken place, 2020 has arrived. Among the traditions, there is one that recurs almost as frequently as champagne, it is that of rumors or errors of interpretation on what will happen to us in this new era. And especially around symbolic dates such as the year 2000.

Why does our brain start to gamber so much and rumors thrive (and here you imagine thrilling music)? You will know by watching this new episode of "Oh My Fake", our show on Snapchat.

It is about millennialism and even the need for uncertainty.

OMF Oh My Fake , launched on Snapchat Discover, it's the 20 Minutes program that makes you strong against "fake news". Here, it is not a question of answering the question "Is it true or is it false?" "But to" Why did we believe it? By analyzing the mechanisms that make fake news so attractive that even seasoned minds - like yours! - may succumb to it.

And as this show is just breathtaking and colorful, we let you scan this snapcode in the Snapchat app to subscribe. Go!

  • bug
  • Hoax
  • Fake Off
  • Fake news
  • New Year