This summer, the five celebrities gathered at Lejondal Castle in Upplands-Bro to get to know each other in front of the TV cameras. Each of the participants is the main character for a day and can then decide the day's menu, activities and share themselves for each other and the TV viewers.

- I've never talked about myself that much in my entire life. Here you have to go inside yourself a little and examine yourself ... and it was moving, it was deeply factual, says actor Dragomir Mrsics.

Actor Dragomir Mrsic. Photo: Stina Stjenkvist / TT

"It was very exciting to sit with a former bank robber"

Dragomir Mrsics broke through as an actor in the movie Fast Cash 2010. Before that, he has been both a Nordic champion in taekwondo and has been in prison for bank robbery.

- It was very exciting to sit with a former bank robber and hear how things are going, as well, says singer and musical artist Pernilla Wahlgren.

Pernilla Wahlgren promises news in the Stars at the castle, even though she has already shared much of herself in the reality series Wahlgren's World, which deals with the Wahlgren family.

- I actually tell things that I've never told before and it seemed natural because we got so close, says Pernilla Wahlgren.

Tells about the fear of going to work

Actress Julia Dufvenius Wollter has previously spoken about the culture of silence on Dramaten and her fear of one of the actors. In the second episode of the Stars at the castle, she tells more about the fear of going to work and why she needed protection to and from the scene.

Photo: Stina Stjernkvist / TT

But she also describes how fun it was during the recording of the program.

- I am surprised that there is such a stringency in the program because we flamed and laughed and were very childish, she says.

The stars at the castle premiere on December 28 in SVT1 and at Svtplay.