The silence of the acting president is already scandalous. He has never liked to be accountable in Moncloa, because the nature of power rejects any inspection, but never before has the informational bolt been so rude . We have often said that Sanchez is the politician of the first times; well, in terms of opacity also beat all brands.

Sanchez's disregard for the right to information of citizens manifests itself in many ways. It is no longer just about the lack of public appearances outside the election campaign, or the press conferences without granting questions or granting a testimonial number of them, clearly insufficient when it comes to elucidating the purposes of a leader paid to the licks and in constant denial of himself. Sanchez, who promised that there would be government before the end of the year, has broken so many promises that it is very difficult to keep track. Aware that it would be impossible for him to succeed in the confrontation between his statements and his actions , he has decided that the members of his Government should explain themselves little and only to similar means. The appearance of the end of the year that used to take stock for years will not take place this time either. Sanchez has even suspended the traditional Christmas cup in Moncloa with the informants who cover the current affairs of the Government, it will not be that in the corrillos he is forced to give any explanation that may compromise him. He has even avoided visiting Spanish troops deployed abroad, resolving the ballot with a video of poor bill that only increases the suspicion that he tries to avoid any trip with journalists on board who can extract information and shed light on their intentions.

Separate chapter deserves the lack of transparency with which investiture negotiations are taking place . Since December 9 when the PSOE negotiators met with those of ERC in Barcelona, ​​contacts have entered that phase that Marta Vilalta called euphemistically "discreet", despite the theoretical break announced by ERC to blackmail the Law State. The result is that the Spaniards wait in the dark and worried the development of events. They do not know what the government party is negotiating with the party responsible for a coup whose leader is serving a sentence for sedition. And when you hide your meetings, it is because they address issues that are unmentionable to public opinion.

Gone are now the demands of light and stenographers that can flag the enemy of the policy of reserved. In the umpteenth surrender to all that he was supposed to fight, Pablo Iglesias has been silent for weeks not to spoil his coveted vice presidency. The worst thing is that this PSOE shares its same cynicism and irresponsibility.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • ERC
  • PSOE
  • Barcelona
  • Pablo Iglesias
  • We can
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Editorial

EditorialSánchez disguises its agreement with separatism

Sanchez legitimizes seditious coup

EditorialBy a constitutional unity agreement