IR Corruption Bribery Chinese company representative attended a briefing in Tomakomai December 26 18:50

IR: Including casinos = Mayor Hirofumi Iwakura of Tomakomai City, who is aiming to attract integrated resort facilities, is suspected of bribery in a corruption case in which Mr. Akimoto (48), a member of the House of Representatives, was arrested at a press conference on May 26. A representative from a Chinese company arrested in China said that he had attended a briefing for the IR company in the city but had no further involvement and had no contact with Representative Akimoto.

Mr. Iwakura said, "The arrest of an incumbent member of Parliament is a serious event, and I want to monitor the future trends."

According to Tomakomai City, this briefing was held in Tokyo in July to explain the city's IR concept. In addition to US and Canadian IR companies with offices in the city, "500 dots About 70 people from 30 companies in Japan and abroad, including Com.

At the briefing, Mr. Masahiko Konno (48), an adviser to "500 dot com", and Mr. Chung (37), a former director of a Japanese corporation, were arrested for alleged bribery. Was that there was no exchange in.

It also means that Representative Akimoto was not present.