US judicial authorities in Florida have charged that an American couple killed their baby after feeding only raw vegetables and fruits.

The parents were forcing the child, who was only 18 months old, to follow their diet, which his little body could not afford.

The list of charges of first degree murder with Ryan O'Leary, 30, and his wife, Sheila, 35, also includes child abuse, manslaughter, and neglect.

The wife called the emergency department when she noticed that her child, who weighed only 8 kilograms, was not breathing, and tried to revive him, but he died when the paramedics arrived at the place.

Experts say the child's weight is in line with what a child should weigh at 7 months, not 18 months.

US police say the cause of the child's death is "indigestion" in the gut.

In the investigations, the couple explained that they are "vegetarians" and only eat raw fruit and vegetables.

The spouses had 3 children, two of whom were transferred, aged 3 and 5, respectively, to a government welfare institution, while an 11-year-old girl was placed under the care of her biological father.