The artist Angham suffered a deterioration in her health for hours and was subsequently transferred to a hospital in New Cairo, after they agreed with her health condition and her feeling of severe pain in the kidney .. The medical diagnosis confirmed that she suffers from a kidney stone and needs surgery .. And Angham was forced to perform an operation Temporary stent implantation to the kidneys due to travel link to revive two concerts in Saudi Arabia on the 23rd and 27th of this month

Doctors cautioned that this operation is temporary for a period of days until melodies return from travel and an operation is performed
Permanently disintegrate the kidney stones

Rumors have spread since yesterday morning that there is a serious disease that attacked melodies in the blood while she is in a serious condition, but sources close to Angham including her business manager Randa Riyad lied these rumors and said in special statements that Angham only suffers from kidney pain only, and Randa confirmed that What is raised are only malicious lies and tunes that improve the symptoms of the kidneys